15 Ways to Get More LinkedIn Followers

Michele Lea Biaso
Imagine Social Media
5 min readJun 14, 2020

Whether you’re starting from scratch or want to up your LinkedIn game, here are some tips and tricks to help you to succeed:

  1. Optimize SEO

Just as you would optimize your website, ensure you are sprinkling your brand keywords throughout your LinkedIn profile. Make sure to include them in your headline, experience and summary sections. Also use them throughout any other sections where they will naturally flow. But, don’t keyword stuff! Here’s a great tool to help develop keywords for you business.

2. Engage Your Employees

Make sure you’re connected with your employees on LinkedIn. Encourage them to tag you and the company in posts and to share the posts you make. This will expand your brand and your content to a larger audience, and create connections you wouldn’t have had exposure to before.

Take it a step further and check out LinkedIn Elevate. It allows you to curate quality content, suggest it to employees and track results. Your team can share and promote content in a more organic and natural way.

3. Add a Linked Button to Your Website

Your website should be linked somewhere on your LinkedIn profile and a LinkedIn follow button should be included on your website. Social media buttons should be clearly displayed above-the-fold on your website.

If you blog, finish your entries with a call-to-action to follow you on LinkedIn. Example: “Follow me on LinkedIn for more content, resources and tips.”

4. Add a Page Link to Your Signature

If you’re emailing with prospective clients, employees or other businesses, including a link to your LinkedIn profile in your email’s signature will likely garner a boost. The professional contacts in your email will likely want to engage with you there if there is a working relationship.

5. Cross-link Your Profiles

If you have a personal profile and a company page, make sure to cross-link the pages and encourage your personal connections to follow your company page. Add a link to your LinkedIn page from all of your other social media profiles, too.

6. Post Content Regularly

The more you post, the more likely you are to show up in someone’s feed, driving engagement and keeping you fresh in someone’s mind. Don’t just post promotional content, make sure you are providing value to your audience and giving them a reason to follow you.

Post content that encourages engagement. Ask questions, share your viewpoints and encourage commentary. Create a list of safe sources for you to share content from, but ensure the source is credible and does not include any links to competitors.

Be sure to post as much visual content as possible. People respond to visual content more than lengthy captions without an accompanying image or video. (Don’t have time to create content? We can help.)

Don’t forget to use 3–5 hashtags on each post. LinkedIn allows users to follow hashtags, so each time you include them it will place your content in the feed of any user following that hashtag.

7. Adjust Content Based on Page Analytics

As a page admin, you have access to page analytics to see what content on your page is performing well and what’s not. You can also get a look at the demographic of your audience to understand who your audience is. Use this knowledge to shape your content strategy and if something isn’t working, change it up!

8. Join Topical Conversations Using Hashtags

Follow hashtags that are relevant to your industry and engage in timely and topical conversations with others. Connect with others who are engaging on the posts and use the posts as conversation starters. Of course, be polite and professional.

On the topic of conversation, you should try to be more talkative as a whole when networking on social media. Engage in discussion, comment on posts and respond to comments that people write to you. Being interactive and engaging helps to build connections with others.

9. Enlist Help from Customers and Supporters

You have hopefully developed a following of “die-hard” fans who just love supporting you. Ask them if they would be willing to share your content to their profiles. Sometimes those loyal supporters will share without being prompted because you simply make them happy or they love your brand. Don’t be afraid to ask!

10. Encourage Executives and Prominent Leaders to Mention You on LinkedIn

Networking with executives and other leaders in your related fields can help you boost your social media engagement. Establishing connections and starting conversations can encourage them engage with your content and to @ mention you.

If there are leaders who you admire, consider name-dropping occasionally and tagging them in a post. Mention them in a relevant post about how you admire them or how they influence you. They are probably willing to repost content in which they are mentioned, which gets you seen by their audience. But, don’t overdo this!

Take it as step further and collaborate on content with an influencer or industry leader. It can be great exposure for both parties!

11. Participate in LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups serve as little niche communities for like-minded individuals to come together and discuss their passion for their field. Join relevant industry groups and post and engage regularly. But, don’t just promote within these groups. Share insights and valuable information and content to the other members.

12. Observe your Competitors’ Profiles

Analyze what your competitors are doing on their LinkedIn profiles, and identify ways you can offer even more valuable content to your audience. Don’t just copy their strategy, but use their profiles as a baseline to audit what you are doing better or worse than them.

13. Create Showcase Pages

A Showcase Page acts as a subpage or extension of your company page, but focuses on a specific business unit, initiative or something else related to your brand. Use a showcase page to highlight promotional events, employee culture, charity fundraisers or other unique feature of your business.

14. Share Job Postings

LinkedIn acts as a networking platform for jobs and careers, so utilize your connections to help grow your team and amplify your brand message. Sharing job postings can not only spread your brand message, but can help widen your applicant pool.

15. Launch a Follower Ad Campaign

Using the Dynamic Ad campaign, you can also use a paid strategy to grow your followers. You can target the ad to a specific audience, based on demographics such as location and job title.

Do you struggle to find content for your small business? There is so much noise out there and it’s often hard for small business owners to develop an effective social media strategy. We’ve created a series of products and services to help. Click here to learn more about how we can help you elevate your brand and grow your business.



Michele Lea Biaso
Imagine Social Media

As President/CEO of Imagine Social Media, I help small businesses create, redesign, or elevate their digital marketing and social media strategy.