How to Use ChatGPT: The Do’s & Don’ts

Michele Lea Biaso
Imagine Social Media
4 min readJun 27, 2024

In the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, tools like ChatGPT have revolutionized the way business owners interact with technology. However, maximizing its potential requires a nuanced approach. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the do’s and don’ts to help business owners leverage ChatGPT effectively, ensuring they get the most accurate and relevant responses.

Here are 12 ChatGPT Prompt do’s and don’ts:

Do: Be Specific

Specificity is Key: Clearly state what you’re looking for in your prompt. Specific questions lead to more precise answers.

Example Prompt:

  • Do: “Act as a marketing consultant and outline effective social media strategies for a small retail business.”
  • Don’t: “Help me with marketing.”

Don’t: Assume ChatGPT Knows Everything

Understand the Limitations: While ChatGPT is trained on a vast dataset, it may not have the latest information or deep expertise in highly specialized areas. Always verify critical information through additional, reliable sources.

Example Prompt:

  • Do: “Act as a business analyst and provide an overview of current e-commerce trends. Please use reliable sources that I can verify and provide me links to them.”
  • Don’t: “Provide a detailed analysis of next year’s projected e-commerce growth based on the latest proprietary industry data.”

Do: Provide Context

Context Matters: Giving context helps ChatGPT understand the prompt better. If your question builds on previous knowledge or a specific scenario, include that information in your prompt.

Example Prompt:

  • Do: “Act as a financial advisor. Given that I am a small business owner looking to expand, what are some financial strategies I should consider?”
  • Don’t: “Give me financial advice.”

Don’t: Overload Your Prompt

Keep it Simple: Bombarding a prompt with multiple questions or overly complex requests can lead to vague or incomplete answers. Stick to one main question or topic per prompt.

Example Prompt:

  • Do: “Act as a marketing expert and explain how to use social media for brand awareness.”
  • Don’t: “How can I use social media, email marketing, and SEO for my brand?”

Don’t: Ignore Prompt Engineering Techniques

Leveraging techniques like specifying the type of response you want (e.g., “Explain like I’m five”) can greatly improve the quality of responses. Ignoring these techniques may result in less tailored answers.

Example Prompt:

  • Do: “Act as a customer service trainer and explain the basics of handling customer complaints in simple terms.”
  • Don’t: “How do I handle customer complaints?”

Do: Iterate on Prompts

Refinement is Essential: If the first response doesn’t meet your needs, refine your prompt and try again. Iteration can help hone in on the exact information you’re seeking.

Example Prompt:

  • Do: “Act as a digital marketing strategist and dive deeper on your previous response, focusing on social media.”
  • Don’t: “How can I improve my ads?”

Don’t: Expect Perfection

Be Realistic: AI models, including ChatGPT, can make mistakes or generate incorrect information. Approach interactions with an understanding of these limitations.

Example Prompt:

  • Do: “Act as an HR consultant and provide general tips for improving employee engagement.”
  • Don’t: “Give me a flawless marketing strategy right now.”

Do: Utilize Follow-Up Questions

Depth of Inquiry: Use follow-up questions to dive deeper into a topic or clarify previous responses. This can be especially helpful if the initial answer wasn’t exactly what you were looking for.

Example Prompt:

  • Do: “Act as an HR expert. What are the best practices for employee engagement?” Follow-up: “How can these be implemented in a remote work environment?”
  • Don’t: “How do I engage employees?”

Don’t: Use Open-Ended Questions Without Purpose

Purposeful Inquiry: While ChatGPT can generate creative responses to open-ended prompts, being too vague without a clear purpose can lead to less useful responses.

Example Prompt:

  • Do: “Act as a business coach and give advice on transitioning to a new industry.”
  • Don’t: “What should I do with my business?”

Do: Experiment with Different Prompt Styles

Explore Creativity: ChatGPT can handle a wide range of prompts, from direct questions to creative scenarios. Experimenting with different styles can enhance your experience and outcomes.

Example Prompt:

  • Do: “Act as a business strategist and create a five-year growth plan for a tech startup.”
  • Don’t: “Help me plan for the future.”

Don’t: Forget to Review Responses for Bias or Errors

Critical Review: ChatGPT’s training data includes information from the internet, which can contain biases or inaccuracies. Always critically assess the responses you receive, especially when making important decisions based on this information.

Example Prompt:

  • Do: “Act as a policy analyst and summarize the pros and cons of the new business regulation.”
  • Don’t: “What’s the best business policy?”

Do: Specify the Format of the Response

Tailor the Output: Indicate if you need the response in a specific format, such as bullet points, a numbered list, or a detailed explanation. This can help you get the information in the most useful way.

Example Prompt:

  • Do: “Act as a business consultant and list five key steps to improve customer retention in bullet points.”
  • Don’t: “How can I improve customer retention?”

By following these do’s and don’ts, business owners can enhance their interactions with ChatGPT, ensuring they receive accurate, relevant, and helpful responses. Remember, the key to effective AI usage lies in crafting thoughtful, clear, and context-rich prompts. This approach will help you leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities to support and grow your business effectively.



Michele Lea Biaso
Imagine Social Media

As President/CEO of Imagine Social Media, I help small businesses create, redesign, or elevate their digital marketing and social media strategy.