Making Use Of Artificial Minds: How AI Promotes People, Profits, & The Planet

Imaginea Ai
Published in
4 min readJun 27, 2018


If there’s one thing the world has no shortage of, it’s problems. From global poverty to genetic disease to climate change to disappearing wildlife, humanity is struggling to address a cornucopia of issues, many of which put thousands if not millions of lives at risk. Businesses, governments, charities, and individuals all over the world are struggling to find a solution to these problems. But many of them are so complex, and are caused by so many different contributing factors, that even our best minds don’t know how to deal with them.

If our best minds can’t handle these problems, it’s time to build even better ones! Artificial intelligence has the potential to dramatically enhance our research efforts and supplement human problem-solving skills. With advanced AI, we can more effectively research the most pressing problems of the world and develop realistic, effective solutions. To understand just how valuable AI is, it’s important to consider what it can do for people, the planet, and profits.

AI & People

When people think of AI solutions, they tend to imagine scientists using artificial intelligence to address some obscure technical issue they’ve never heard of. But AI has the potential to solve problems that are very real, and that affect ordinary people on a regular basis. These include:

  • Incurable Diseases- For all the progress of modern medicine, there remain many diseases that we still don’t know how to cure, including serious illnesses like ALS, MS, and Huntington’s. AI is improving our ability to understand these illnesses, raising the prospect for a cure. For example, researchers recently used a medical AI application to investigate the causes of ALS, and identified eight genes that were linked to the disease. This information can be used to predict who will get ALS and develop an effective treatment for them. It is unlikely that human researchers could ever have found these genes on their own; certainly, they could not have done so as quickly.
  • Military Hazards- While militaries strive to protect their soldiers from serious peril, they continue to lose many good men and women in combat. AI can be used to plan battlefield operations so as to put soldiers in less danger. It can also operate unmanned drones and other military equipment, allowing armies to go into battle without ever putting human beings in harm’s way.
  • Road Hazards- AI holds the key to developing self-driving cars that can navigate the roads safely and effectively. These vehicles will be far less likely to get into crashes, leading to a dramatic reduction in the number of road injuries and fatalities across the globe.

By improving medical care and reducing hazards, AI will not only save lives, but will improve quality of life. This will have a profound, positive effect on people.

AI & the Planet

From climate change to ocean acidification to wildlife destruction, the planet is in peril on multiple fronts. These environmental hazards directly threaten human society, whether by depriving us of essential resources or by exposing us to toxic substances. AI can solve these problems by:

  • Improving Energy Efficiency- AI applications can analyze how businesses, utilities, and other organizations use energy. They can then identify sources of waste and inefficiency, letting those organizations use less energy while achieving the same outcomes.
  • Promoting Green Generation- Many organizations want to adopt renewable energy, but can’t figure out which clean generation method will best meet their electricity needs. AI applications can examine the way that each organization uses energy. It can then compare those use patterns to all the green generation options on the market, selecting the method that best meets the organization’s needs.
  • Saving Wildlife- Wildlife preservation efforts require knowing where different animal populations go, what resources they need, and how much space they must have to themselves. By gathering data from wildlife populations and allowing an AI application to process it, conservationists can more effectively determine which habitats need to be protected and how to go about protecting them.

Arguably, protecting people and protecting the planet are one and the same. The better we are at preserving the natural environment, the fewer threats there are to humanity. AI helps us achieve both goals at once.

AI & Profits

It’s common to talk about profits as something separate from, or even opposed to, the needs of people and the planet. In fact, profits are essential in developing effective solutions to the problems plaguing humanity and the environment. If we expect companies to develop green generation methods, self-driving cars, and better medical treatments, we must make sure they are able to earn profits on everything they create. The more profitable it is to solve these problems, the more individuals and organizations will try to do so, leading to quicker and more effective solutions.

Artificial intelligence will help organizations improve profits on multiple fronts. By searching for sources of waste and inefficiency, AI applications allow companies to earn the same revenues at lower costs. But they can also boost revenues, notably by enhancing marketing methods. AI applications can study how customers interact with a company’s ads, website, and other marketing resources. They can determine which specific marketing methods are most effective, as well as which methods work best when used in tandem with one another. The resulting data allows companies to market themselves more effectively, thereby bringing in a larger stream of customers and a consistent influx of profits.

Imaginea Ai is committed to developing AI to its full potential and solving all of the problems it can address. For more information on what AI is and how it can promote people, profits, and the planet, visit our website today.

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Imaginea Ai

We are an #AI company driven to help industries work better, faster and smarter.