Ready For The Robot Revolution: 5 Ways Your Business Can Prepare For AI

Imaginea Ai
Published in
4 min readMay 7, 2018

A barren post-apocalyptic wasteland, with humans and robots shooting lasers at one another is this what you think the AI revolution will be like? If so, then I have good news: the rise of artificial intelligence (probably) won’t mean a robot uprising! Not only will it spare our civilization, but it will create new computing possibilities that will help businesses of any size, across all industries. No matter your industry or current technical abilities, you should eagerly await AI and all related technologies.

Just because AI creates new opportunities for your business doesn’t mean everyone will be able to benefit from it equally. As with any new technology, you’ll have to be prepared for artificial intelligence if you hope to take full advantage of it. The following five strategies will help you prepare your business fully so that nothing stands in the way of bringing your company to new heights of computing power:

1. Introduce Yourself to Artificial Intelligence

The first step to using AI effectively is to understand what, exactly, AI is. You need to be as familiar as possible with this technology if you want to take full advantage of it. It’s especially important that you look out for myths about AI and understand exactly why they’re wrong.

The most common myth about AI is that it is just a more powerful version of modern computing. It’s understandable why people think this; modern computers get more powerful every year, so why wouldn’t they eventually reach the level of human intelligence? But actually, to truly match the human mind, it’s necessary to design devices that process information differently than current computers do. At present, computers interpret information in a linear way by retrieving it, analyzing it, and giving a result. But the brain analyzes distinct pieces of information in tandem, using neurons that are linked together; the more often two parts of the brain operate at the same time, the stronger the link between them. AI involves creating computers that can process information in this parallel way.

Because parallel processing is more efficient than linear computing, it opens up new possibilities, including computers that can recognize images and mimic human speech. By keeping track of all these possibilities and figuring out how your business can use them, you set yourself up to benefit fully from artificial intelligence.

2. Find Problems with AI Solutions

After you learn all you can about what artificial intelligence makes possible, your next step should be to think about what problems it could help your business solve. AI can aid you with lots of important tasks, including:

  • Searching Through Data- Ever had to search through a huge database with nothing but a single word or phrase to guide you? Because it can mimic human speech, AI can search even the largest amounts of data without problems.
  • Automating Systems- If you have an automated customer service system, AI applications will be better at communicating with customers in a natural-sounding way.
  • Protecting Your Company- AI computers can recognize human faces more effectively. You can use this technology to monitor your office for intruders and thieves.

Figuring out what problems you want to solve will make it easier to identify the specific AI devices and applications you want to buy. You can then adopt this technology quickly once it’s available.

3. Seek Out Supplementary Data & Technology

Now that you know what problems you want to solve with artificial intelligence, the next step is to make sure you have everything you need to solve them. AI devices must be trained to perform new functions using large datasets, which require an enormous amount of skill and effort to put together. This means that before you can use them, you need to make sure you have those datasets. You should also look into new technologies for assembling the datasets. For example, recent developments have made it possible to construct synthetic datasets, which require less skill and effort to put together. By taking advantage of technologies like this, you can use artificial intelligence without spending as much money or go to as much trouble.

4. Pursue New Personnel

To take full advantage of artificial intelligence technology, you need to invest in IT personnel with new sets of skills. This includes workers who know how to construct and use the relevant datasets, as well as those who can use AI devices. But AI experts are still few in number and hard to find, so you have to start recruiting them as early as possible. You can also take advantage of services that connect you to AI specialists remotely and allow you to purchase their services without directly hiring them. The more expertise you have access to, the more you will benefit from artificial intelligence.

5. Communicate with Other Companies

The last thing you need before you’re ready to use AI is an insight into the challenges and benefits of adopting it. The best way to get this insight is by talking to other companies that have already started using the technology. If possible, find companies that are similar in size to yours and that operate in similar ways. Ask them why they chose to adopt artificial intelligence, what problems they had using it, and how it helped them achieve their goals. Armed with this information, you can start using AI yourself with as few problems as possible, making a smooth transition to next-generation computing.

From constructing synthetic datasets to connecting you with AI experts, offers all the resources you need to make the most of artificial intelligence. For more information, or to be notified of our upcoming Security Token Offering (STO), contact us today.



Imaginea Ai

We are an #AI company driven to help industries work better, faster and smarter.