Tombs and Temples of Egypt : Theatrics in Stone

Ruchi Dhamnaskar
Published in
5 min readNov 9, 2023
Depictions of the king and queen being blessed by the Gods and the same written in heiroglyphs

Divine kingship and resurrection were some of the main characteristics of the ancient Egyptian civilization that remained alive upto its sad demise at the hands of Persians and Romans. Divine kingship meant that the king was a representative of the gods and was chosen by them. Hence, every effort was to be taken to ensure his resurrection. As a result, we see magnificent pyramids, beautiful tomb and their treasures, and enormous temples and statues in Egypt. The lynchpin that made possible these engineering marvels and a smooth governance hides in plain sight everywhere in Egypt — the hieroglyphs.

The lynchpin that made possible these engineering marvels and a smooth governance hides in plain sight everywhere in Egypt — the hieroglyphs.

Tomb of Nefertari
Tomb of Ramesses 5 and 6

With the development of hieroglyphs, the spoken word of this ancient civilization had become immortal. The true power of this immortality was initially lost in documentation of the tangible items — the stones, the produce, the people-as we see in the making of the pyramids 5000 years ago. As the naive civilization matured, the immortal script made itself useful in the politics and religion. The script no longer was just measurements, it came to be used to depict products of imagination-stories ! It was probably the first evidence of a rich and fertile imagined reality that we all now know mankind is capable of fabricating.

With the development of hieroglyphs, the spoken word of this ancient civilization had become immortal.

The ruler now had the power to shape the beliefs and generate devotion. The walls of the temples and tombs started filling up with the stories of gods and souls and the kings. The hieroglyphs made it possible to set the stories in stone. The choice of this unchangeable medium speaks volumes about their intention. I think it highlights the finality of the king’s word. If a message comes from the kings court, it cannot be refuted, argued, or challenged. To drive this point further, the kings commissioned massive scluptures of themselves in their temples — not necessarily the gods. If the walls and pillars could speak, they would echo with a resounding approval from the gods for the kingship. The justification for the power was drilled down upon the masses through these stories.

Pillars of temples of Luxor and Karnak
Giant statues and obelisks of kings

If the walls and pillars could speak, they would echo with a resounding approval from the gods for the kingship. The justification for the power was drilled down upon the masses through these stories.

We visited the temple of Karnak after the pyramids. The legendary pillars of Karnak temple revealed themselves to us with each step. The sculptures on the pillars instilled reverence, the sandstone was a joyous yellow, the mysterious script told intriguing stories. As I roamed through the temples, I could imagine Kings of the Ramesside regime captivating the masses through these stories of their interaction with the gods. I could re-live the drama that had to be fabricated to ensure unflinching loyalty of the illiterate common man. The power of the stone had reached its zenith when the kings gave the gods their faces — the very same gods who gave king the power to rule.

My last stop was the most awaited exploration of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings and Queens. The walls here, are covered with the most beautiful depictions of the kings and the gods. The colors are so vibrant and the details so intricate — it almost seems like the characters come alive and perform the stories of yesteryear. If you choose to see past the line drawings and participate in the mood and ambiance, it’s an absolutely delightful performance. The stories are a treasure trove of ancient knowledge, which shaped their outlook towards life. We get a sneak peek into their beliefs about life after death which large a society’s moral values. Furthermore, their animastic gods tell us about a direct and sacred relationship with nature. Man had not yet conquered nature, and its mysterious workings were worth the faith and worship. Together with the hieroglyphs, the tombs and the temples are a theatrical performance —live and ongoing for thousands of years. The hieroglyphs are a true product of the Egyptian aspirations of immortality, sophistication, and art.

Together with the hieroglyphs, the tombs and the temples are a theatrical performance —live and ongoing for thousands of years.



Ruchi Dhamnaskar

Musings about observations around me in my imagined reality