Calling all Water Entrepreneurs — Imagine H2O’s 2018 Accelerator is Open

Imagine H2O
Imagine H2O
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2017

Imagine H2O’s Accelerator is once again accepting applications from the best innovators and entrepreneurs developing water solutions globally. The application period for Imagine H2O’s 9th Accelerator is open until November 1st.

AquaSeca’s Nancy Hartsoch at WaterGala ’17 in San Francisco during IH2O’s SF Week

Since 2009, Imagine H2O has supported over 80 startups that have collectively raised over $200m from investors. Through our growing network of 60 Beta Partners (utilities, companies and organizations committed to identifying and deploying water innovations), Accelerator companies access a wide range of potential deployment opportunities as well as multiple other benefits.

Year to date, Imagine H2O’s 2017 Accelerator has delivered impressive value to its companies and the industry. The group of 12 startups has raised over $17m from investors, and IH2O has provided each company with at least 30 investor introductions and 45 customer introductions. These efforts have resulted in 36 ongoing deployment opportunities with IH2O’s Beta Partner network, with around half of those likely to be complete by the end of the year.

Imagine H2O is accepting applications from early and growth stage businesses founded after January 1 2013. The program targets critical resource and market challenges identified with input from IH2O’s Beta Partners, a global network of customers in the agricultural, municipal and industrial markets. These challenges are:

  • Scarcity & Resilience — Increased reliability, safety, and security of access to clean water
  • Water Efficiency — Reduction of the water intensity of industry and agriculture
  • Utility Operations — Cost-effective upgrades in infrastructure, maintenance, supply chain, and operational performance
  • Monitoring & Treatment — Improved treatment and testing of water and wastewater streams
  • Data & Analytics — Improved management, analysis and communication of water data

Every application receives written feedback from Imagine H2O’s judging panel, a group of recognized industry experts and investors. The evaluation process helps companies test and refine their approach regardless of whether or not they are selected for the Accelerator. Imagine H2O also holds open application workshops to help startups refine their applications, which are in effect one-on-one business plan feedback sessions.

Not every company can be selected, but each startup gains from invaluable insight from experts and visibility amongst IH2O beta partners. The CEO of one 2017 Accelerator applicant stated that her company “learned more from the IH2O application process than either of our two full accelerator programs”.

Successful applicants will enter the 2018 Accelerator, receiving broad exposure to Imagine H2O’s customer and investor networks in person at SF Week (March 2018), as well as online through a webinar series for investors, customers and industry executives. Each company receives 3–4 mentor engagements over the course of the year, covering a range of topics from sales strategy to managing the demands of the CEO role, as well as onward introductions. Selected companies will be invited to exhibit at the WEFTEC ’18 conference in New Orleans, and the ACE ’18 Conference in Las Vegas, as well as building their online presence through Imagine H2O’s digital platform.

Imagine H2O’s Accelerator is non equity-based and participants can participate virtually, enabling them to remain in their home markets. Imagine H2O supporters include Wells Fargo, Suez, Tetra Tech, American Water and a network of philanthropic partners. Over time, the program has become an internationally recognized path-to-market for promising water solution businesses.

“Imagine H2O continues to identify the best and brightest entrepreneurs coming into the water sector. The team works so hard on behalf of the companies each year, and the outcomes for the companies as a result of the process they go through are unfailingly impressive.”
Chris Morrison, AVP Nalco Ecolab & Imagine H2O Judge

Imagine H2O’s mission is to empower people deploy and develop innovation to help solve water problems globally. Please reach out to the team at with any questions, and we look forward to seeing your application. Apply now at



Imagine H2O
Imagine H2O

The water innovation accelerator. Empowering people to deploy and develop #innovation to solve water challenges globally.