Meet the Initiator: Artessere, Bridging the gap between Physical Art and NFT Technology

Rami Ahmed
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2022

This unique art platform is partnering with Imbue for decentralized crowdfunding.

Many have perceived the rise of NFT’s as a looming threat to traditional art markets, however Artessere’s Founder, Anaida Schneider, see’s NFT Technology as a tool to bring together the two contrasting industries of digitalisation and physical art. Artessere is a platform that provides an equal playing-field for physical artworks to gain access to a global network of investors, something NFTs have benefitted from exclusively up until now.

This is possible through Artessere’s ‘ArtChips’ which represent a fractional stake in a piece of physical artwork, pre-bought by Artessere after rigorously selecting artists & artworks most likely to produce the best risk-adjusted returns. The art is purchased by Artessere, tokenized using NFT Tech (ERC-1155 for ArtChips based on polygon chain) allowing for investors across the globe to invest. Once the art is sold, dividends are distributed amongst the ArtChip holders.

Artessere began it’s journey in 2018 and is based in Lichtenstein, as the legal landscape for tokenizing physical art is well-established in the territory and offers maximum protection for every step of the process, and for all parties.

The suite of services also includes Art Edutainment, a tool for new art enthusiasts to learn more about art styles, history and the tell-tale signs when selecting the right artworks to invest in. There’s also a Marketplace to buy art outright, a “Places” service that helps you find the hidden gems nearby, from galleries & exhibitions, so you can tick off the must-see art pieces on your travels.

Stay tuned for our next ‘Meet the Initiator’ AMA on Thursday at 4PM UTC On Twitter (Link here) with founder Anaida Schneider. Be sure to join!!! As we go over the details of her Imbue fundraise, the tokenomics and milestones of the project, followed by questions from our audience.

We’re over-enthused to be hosting this project on our platform, as it’s trajectory has followed a very similar path to Imbue in that it’s impressive achievements to date have been through efforts that are completely self-reliant, with no external influences or funding, and they’ve harpooned themselves to a noteworthy status as pioneers of their industry.

If you’d like to learn more about Artessere ahead of our AMA This Thursday, check out their website here:

About Imbue Network

Imbue Network is a decentralized crowdfunding DAO built on the Polkadot blockchain platform. It is an idea incubator open to the entire world that allows anyone from any walk of life and any endeavour to submit and vote on ideas worth funding from the communities that believe in them the most.

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