Getting started with (day 1)

Jesse Piascik
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2017

This weekend I found an old article by Cal Newport called “Plan.txt : The Most Effective Productivity Tool That You’ve Never Heard Of”. In this article Cal talks about Freestyle Productivity. It can be quickly summed up with the following rules.

High-tech and highly-structured solutions are best for capture.

Low-tech and loosely-structured solutions are best for planning.

Instead of a text file, I opted for a markdown file. This way I can take advantage of the nice html formatting provided by tools like the markdown preview in atom editor.

If you take a look at my, you’ll notice it’s loosely structured, but it was captured using GitHub’s Atom Editor which is high-tech. When I jotted this down earlier today none of the link syntax was there. I added the link syntax so I could see these tasks in imdone-atom. These markdown style links are one of three task formats that imdone-atom looks for and I’m still following the rules of freestyle productivity, using a high tech/structure tool to capture progress. Here’s what it looks like in imdone-atom…

What I’m hoping to gain from this approach is a quick glance look at my progress. When I complete each of these goals I’ll move the card to DONE. Now that I’ve written this post it looks like this… Now that’s progress!

