Jira, Trello or GitHub projects

Jesse Piascik
Published in
1 min readFeb 1, 2017

This is the question that’s been bugging me lately. We’ve got our first few customers, thanks to the atom editor community, but based on the data, it looks like some imdone.io users aren’t integrating with GitHub issues. This brings up a few important questions. So I’ve decided to take a two pronged approach, ask them here and ask our users directly.

The First Question — What should imdone.io integrate with next?

Let me be very clear about something. This is a product/market fit question. At this point in the life of imdone.io it’s our top priority. That’s why I show imdone to anyone who will listen.

There’s been a lot of press about Jira, Trello and GitHub projects lately. So, if you’re using one of these tools for your project’s task/issue tracking and like to keep track of your work as close to your work as possible let us know which tool you use. And stay tuned for more questions!



Jesse Piascik

Chief Hacker at @imdoneio. DevEx maven. Helping developers stay focussed with http://imdone.io