3 Simple Guided Meditation Techniques for Beginners

Mark Stainer
Published in
13 min readNov 17, 2019

In today’s stressful world, we’ll be able to stay happy & calm only if we know how to Meditate and relax ourselves for sometime. Herein, you’ll find some easy to follow simple guided Meditation techniques for Beginners - different ways leading to your mental peace & stress relief.

We all know that the world is changing at a very fast pace, faster than it even appears to us. We are living in a generation where things are always on the move and such is the need of time that we unintentionally succumb to it.

3 Simple Guided Meditation Techniques for Beginners

This fast moving world is putting a lot of stress on all of us. In many ways and more often than not we find ourselves in a stage where we need to let go of all the stress and delve into a zone of calmness and peace.

Of all the various methods to relieve stress, “Meditation” is the one which has been proven and established to be the most effective through the years.

Meditation helps us to achieve self-awareness, improves concentration, promotes emotional & mental health and it also brings Joy, positivity & happiness in life.

It’s an ancient practice and has been in practice for thousands of years. It is not limited to any particular community, religion or faith. You can be from any background or follow any faith, beginner or experienced, Meditation links us all.

In one way or the other it is connected to all kinds of belief system which people follow to get self-awareness, peace and harmony.

Beginners Guide to Meditation - Making a choice

Meditation is about being mindful of our consciences and becoming fully aware of ourselves, our actions and our thoughts. It encourages a healthy lifestyle, healthy mind and clear vision.

It makes us so mentally and emotionally strong that varying stress levels, professional pressure and tensions just cease to harm our inner peace.

As a beginner in meditation, in order to achieve this inner peace, one might come across many ways and methods of meditation. As there are a lot of (limitless) meditation techniques for beginners are available on the Internet currently.

While no method is right or wrong for a beginner in meditation, it is always suggested to choose the one best suites your needs and the one a beginner can feel comfortable practicing regularly.

Everyone has their own needs, habits, timings, ways, postures & preferences. Hence, one should go with the method which is most helpful to him, suits his body, requirements and personality - especially when you’re a beginner in meditation and just starting to learn how to meditate.

There are multiple methods and multiple outcomes from a meditation technique, but to make the decision to follow a particular one is, only up to you.

Best Meditation Technique for Beginners

Wondering which guided meditation technique you must start with, or choose to practice being a beginners?

Herein, we will be taking you through a number of different and some chosen best guided meditation techniques for beginners which will help you make this decision.

However, before making a choice you must note that whichever guided meditation you choose, doesn’t really matter. What matters is; being a beginner you must practice the guided meditation regularly without fail while including the meditation technique in your fixed daily routine. Else it’ll not be worth.

Also Read: Relaxing Music for Stress Relief and Deep Sleep - Meditation

1. Mantra Meditation for Beginners

Being a beginner if you cannot meditate in silence and like to concentrate to a sound, music or tune while you organize your thoughts, Mantra Meditation is for you.

As it is sometimes extremely hard for a beginner to bring all the focus and attention to the silence. Hence, mantra meditation is great for beginners to practice and start with.

Mantra” is a Sanskrit word meaning a syllable, word or group of words sacred in nature, having spiritual powers. A lot of meditation beginners who are looking for spiritual connection start with and practice Mantra Meditation.

But it’s not only and entirely spiritual in nature. People practice mantra meditation expecting various results. You can choose which result you want and go ahead with it.

In mantra meditation, a mantra is repeated either quietly in mind or loudly. Beginners can choose whichever way seems possible depending on the situation and place of Meditation.

The mantras are believed to create a vibration in our body to help us concentrate to it and steady our mind to its tune. For beginners in meditation, the most commonly used mantra in meditation is “OM / AUM”, but a person can also get a specific mantra from his meditation teacher / guru which he can chant while meditating.

I’ve personally seen many meditation beginners finding this method easy to practice as it’s easier to concentrate to a sound while it eliminates the disturbances around you.

It can be done at any place in a closed room or in an open space, either alone or with a group of people. A teacher or instructor may or may not be required for practicing mantra meditation, as long as you know your mantra which you will be chanting.

It is suggested for beginners to practice in a place where you can sit comfortably. There is no need to sit in an absolute quite place. The sound of you chanting mantra will eventually eliminate other sounds.

Guided Mantra Meditation for Beginners

  • Sit in a comfortable position, in which your spine is straight and your hands are naturally placed.
  • Close your eyes and start chanting the mantra.
  • Focus all your attention to the sound of the mantra and try to disconnect with all your thoughts.
  • Bring back your attention to the sound of mantra every time it wanders away.
  • Keep breathing normally throughout.
  • Set a timer if you wish but it’s not necessary.
  • It’s absolutely vital that you keep your focus on mantra and concentrate on the sound.
  • With the continuous sound of the chanting of mantra our mind and body combines and soothes our soul.

If you don’t want to chant loudly, you can do it quietly too.

There are various apps which can help beginners with the mantra meditation or beginners can listen to an audio mantra while practicing it.

Do not force yourself to perfect it in the first go. It will keep getting better with time and more practice. But beginners have to practice it regularly. It has to be a regular practice.

Beginners may choose any time as per their own comfort and ensure you practice it daily (if possible at the exact same time).

You will soon realize that with each and every session, your concentration is improving and you are able to focus better.

Mantra meditation is very good for beginners who have difficulty with concentration and want to relax their mind. I would personally like to suggest this guided meditation for beginners to start with. Though beginners can and must try other techniques to analyze which one suits your comfort.

The vibration caused through chanting soothes the mind and eliminates all thoughts. Mantra meditation has health benefits too; it lowers the blood pressure and also cures anxiety.

People fighting with addictions are also advised to practice mantra meditation.

2. Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners

3 Simple Guided Meditation Techniques for Beginners - Mindfulness Meditation

Some beginners like to meditate alone and prefer silence.

Mindfulness guided meditation is best suited for them. In mantra meditation where beginners try to focus their thoughts and mind to the sound of mantras, mindfulness meditation allows mind to flow freely into the sea of thoughts.

It takes us beyond time and space we find ourselves in a place where we can see our thoughts very clearly and be fully aware of all our thoughts and action.

It is one method which gives strength to mind and body co-ordination. Again a very useful and easy to learn guided meditation technique for beginners.

Mindfulness is only about being aware, being in the present moment. It is the most practiced methods of meditation for the reason of being very easy to follow.

It makes us aware of the surroundings, our environment and our thoughts, making us more aware of ourselves and accepting ourselves the way we are. We all live in the present but our minds are either in the past or in the future worrying about things which are not in our control.

With this guided meditation technique beginners can bring their mind to the present moment, which is very easy to achieve with regular practice.

To practice mindfulness meditation, being a beginner you’ll have to set aside some time for this when you can relax without worrying about anything.

Best time to practice this is in the morning, when mind and environment is relatively clearer and calmer, though you can do it anytime you wish.

Find a quiet place where you can practice this every day. This place should be away from any distractions which may cause during the practice session.

Also Read: Quiet Morning Meditation Music for the Classroom - Calming & Relaxing Students and Kids

Guided Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners

  • Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes and start breathing.
  • Shift all your attention to your breathing pattern and let your mind focus on it.
  • Feel the present and embrace it.
  • If your thoughts shift somewhere else bring it back to present, but without judgments.
  • Don’t judge or criticize yourself for loosing concentration. It is very normal, it happens to everyone. This is the nature of our mind and we will have to accept it that it will wander here and there, there is nothing wrong in this.
  • Every time you realize that your focus has shifted from your breath, you just have to bring it back to the present moment.
  • Do it for as long as you can. Start with at least 5 Minutes a day. And eventually increase it every week with 5 more Minutes.
  • Once you are done, open your eyes and appreciate yourself for doing this.

Beginners can do it alone or also in groups as per their preference and suitability. However, practicing meditation in a group helps beginners to be regular; therefore it is always advised to for beginners to always try to join a group or community which will help you being regular in your meditation practice.

Guided mindfulness meditation is always recommended for beginners who struggle with stress and/or anxiety. When you forget past and stop wondering about future your anxiety is automatically cured.

With regular practice, it not only makes you aware of the present but also helps you to accept it. It builds a habit in your minds to be in present and accept it the way it is. This stage is called self-awareness - where you are aware of your past and have accepted the present.

It makes you strong from within, makes you ready for any challenges you may face in future.

3. Mind and Soul Conditioning Meditation for Beginners

People who practice meditation on a regular basis and spend on an average of about 20 minutes to one hour each day.

But for the rest of the time, in a day to day life we experience many thoughts crosses our minds, many sensations arising in our body and many feelings come and go. Mind and Soul Conditioning Meditation for beginners helps us being aware of these thoughts, sensations and feelings which surround us. Hence, being aware of these is the very first step that enables us to choose and control these as well.

With mind and soul conditioning meditation, we can condition ourselves in a way that we are not merely witnesses of our thoughts, bodily sensations and our emotions. But we also condition them to be productive for us, to help us lead in a more positive direction.

It of course is not as easy as it sounds. But with continuous practice and meditation we can be fully aware of our surrounding and ultimately can conditions these aspects to be helpful for our well-being.

3 Simple Guided Meditation Techniques for Beginners

Guided Mind Soul Conditioning Meditation for Beginners

Let’s see how it can be done, one by one:

i. Refining Thoughts and Actions:

Every action originates from a thought, either good or bad. A good thought causes good actions, beneficial for us, or the ones around us whereas a bad thought causes bad or negative actions.

If we are aware of what thought are crossing our minds, we will be able to examine them. See their nature and their outcome and can decide whether it is productive or positive. And if it’s not we abort the thought then and there.

This can be done by practicing meditation techniques which helps us to give us peace and clarity of thought. We should be in charge of every thoughts crossing our mind and able to sense their nature.

In a day, hundreds of thoughts come into a mind. But it’s only a matter of time that we make it a habit that we witness all of our thoughts and actions and are able to judge there nature.

There is no place for those thoughts which brings negativity and causes disturbances. Therefore, such thoughts which do not bring peace to your life - Eliminate Them.

Try not to give any importance to those thoughts at all. Refining our thoughts and actions can bring peace and satisfaction to our life and brings serenity.

ii. Physical Tension Scan:

Another way of conditioning our mind and soul is through examining our physical tensions. We carry our day to day life’s stress in various pressure points in our body.

The idea is to analyze such areas we store our stress and command our body to release it gradually and ease into a state of calmness.

This requires you to take a break once in a while when we are stressed and calm ourselves down. Analyze the tension points in our body and let them relax.

A very simple way of doing it through breathing, simply breathing in and out releasing the stress that our body has stored.

If you are not able to locate the stress point, close your eyes and scan each part of your body in your mind and relaxing through its way to another part and so on.

Once in a while in a hectic schedule practicing this would help you calm your senses down and help you concentrate better and relieve stress.

It can give you an immediate relief from all the stress you have been experiencing. Again, needless to mention that with regular practice you will grow more aware of such areas where you store all your stress and can ease them to relax.

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iii. Positive Thoughts Reinforcement:

We can also condition our mind and soul with several positive thoughts. Positive thoughts (also known as Affirmations) have impact on our mind which helps us to condition it towards positivity.

Repeating positive thoughts or any prayer once in a while in a day helps in changing the mental state and reinforces positivity.

It helps into releasing anxiety and boosts the self-confidence. These thoughts can be any type of positive thoughts which you believe in, something that can instantly uplift your mental state.

You can think about the good things that are happening in your life right now, things that you feel you are grateful for.

You can also think about friends, family members, colleagues or people you have spent good time with. Or fill your mind with positivity or an experience which has had a really positive impact on you.

Any story which you have recently read which has inspired you or motivated you. You can also paste or put positive thoughts promoting posters in your surroundings.

Prayers have also the same effect on our mind. What do Prayers do?Prayers eliminate the negative thoughts and plant positive thoughts into your mind.

Practicing this multiple times in a day will completely change your outlook for life and you will be always positive and confident.

3 Simple Guided Meditation Techniques for Beginners

Suggestions - Guided Meditation for Beginners

We are sure with the methods and techniques shared in this article you would be able to take charge of your well-being and start practicing today.

These meditation techniques for beginners might not give you results in a day or two, but with continuous practice you will see a definite change in your thoughts and actions.

Every meditation method may not be right for you, so being a beginner you should choose the one in which you are most comfortable in.

You may start with a smaller duration and see how suitable it is for your needs and then gradually increase the duration of your meditation sessions.

Regular practice will help you to get clearer vision when it minimizes the internal chatter, boosts your productivity and helps you lead a happier and satisfied life.

It’s up to you how you can start and which way to go. If you really want to change the outlook of your life and start leading a happy and balanced life, start practicing meditation as early as possible.

We always worry about whether or not we are doing it right, and wonder if it’s actually going to help me in just one or two sessions. Trust me there is no right or wrong way of doing it. The right way and the best time for a beginner is to start Right N:OW

You need to relax your body and mind let it take its course, you just have to guide it. Eventually you will find that your mind is following your orders and with very little effort you can now concentrate better, are more aware and emotionally balanced.

People these days are more drawn towards meditation as the life in 21st century get more and more difficult. In times, where people find very little time for their own.

It’s really remarkable to see how spending a small time on meditation can actually help relax your body as well as your mind. It lowers your anxiety &/or stress level and it will always help you to get a sound sleep.

These ancient meditation methods for beginners have changed many lives. And helped a lot of people to live a life in which they are not just happy but also satisfied & peaceful.

With our little efforts here, we have tried to sum up some of the very best and effective methods of meditation for beginners. These simple guided Meditation techniques for beginners will definitely help you to achieve & lead a happy life.

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Mark Stainer

Writer and Editor of Silence Mind. I'm a writer from over 7 years now, passionate to write articles on Yoga, Meditation, Chakras and the Law of Attraction