Simple Insight Meditation for Anxiety & Stress Relief

Mark Stainer
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2018

Anxiety — We all have to deal with it from time to time. But how to deal with it, has always been a big question for each & every single one of us I guess.

Photo by Pim Chu on Unsplash

One of the proven ways to deal with anxiety and to get ourselves relieved from all the stress & clutter / chatter in our mind — is through practicing meditation.

Though there are numerous ways, methods and techniques of mediation for people to practice (easily available on the internet as well). However, herein we will in particularly discuss about Insight Meditation.

While different meditation techniques focus on different attributes such as breathing pattern, natural breathing, focusing on sensations, mantra chanting or touch of the fingers and sensation awareness & more… But they all aim on one single aspect ultimately and that is - exploring the true self within, diving deep into the soul and trying to know ourselves.

Insight Meditation is followed and recommended by very renowned practitioners around the world. The most ancestral technique which was also taught by Gautama Buddha to his disciples is to focus on your breath by bringing all your attention to it.

Breath signifies the “Present Moment” - what is here and now. What has gone is past and what lies ahead is future. Breath is what we have now with us. Each fresh breath is new a present in our life, last one is gone; next one is not here yet, focusing on present takes out all the anxiety of past and future.

Once, we master in focusing on breath we move to focus on sensations in our body and then to the feelings and emotions in our mind.

Photo by Erik Brolin on Unsplash

Practicing Insight Meditation

A very important step is to find a suitable place where we can practice daily without any distractions. It is better if we can do it in the same place every day.

Once you have selected a suitable spot, sit in a comfortable position and relax.

Now start to focus on your breath. Continue with your normal breathing pattern without thinking about it. Bring all your attention to it and concentrate.

Concentrate on each & every single breath moving in and out — without judging anything, without trying to change the pattern or anything. Just concentrate on the inhaling & exhaling. That’s it. No big deal.

Many times, your mind will lose concentration; there is nothing to worry at all. No worries, because it will happen, it’s normal. Just bring your attention back to your breathing as soon as you get to know.

Try not to miss even a single breath. Don’t let even a single breath move in or out without your Notice.

Our mind has a tendency to wander, so bring it back to the present — to your breathing. Just relax and focus on noticing each & every breath of yours. You will realize that with each session your concentration will increase, you will just have to be focused and keep on noticing each breath going in and coming out.

By practicing it daily, you will see a noticeable difference in your thought process as well as in your personality. With just 15 minutes daily for 21 days you will see a remarkable change in yourself.

The key is to practice it daily for at least 21 Days and not to lose the focus and even if you do bring it back to present, this is where the true happiness lies.



Mark Stainer

Writer and Editor of Silence Mind. I'm a writer from over 7 years now, passionate to write articles on Yoga, Meditation, Chakras and the Law of Attraction