Throat Chakra Color, Stones, Meditation Mantra Sound - HAM HUM

Mark Stainer
Published in
6 min readJan 26, 2020

Throat Chakra Color, Stones, Meditation Mantra Sound - HAM (HUM) - (to Unlock, Open or Activate) - The Throat Chakra is the fifth energy center. It is also called Vishuddha in Sanskrit. It is associated with the Aether element.

The Throat Chakra is related to our ability to express our deepest desires. It is a very important Chakra because it is through this energy center that we begin to achieve our life mission.

Throat Chakra Color, Stones, Meditation Mantra Sound — HAM (HUM)

In this article, I would like to present some tips for unlocking the energies present in the Throat Chakra. We will first see the different characteristics related to this Chakra and then the different methods that we can use to purify our energies.

Throat Chakra Color, Stones, Meditation Mantra Sound — HAM HUM

Why Unlock Your Chakras?

The quality of our life comes from a good management of the vital energy of the universe. It is regulated by our energy centers, which are located on our different bodies: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

We have the ability to regulate our chakras with our intention and our free will. Inside of us we have all the answers to our problems.

To rebalance your chakras, it is essential to start with the 1st and follow the order given. Imagine that energy flows from bottom to top. Even if we feel a blockage from our 3rd chakra, we must resume work from our first energy center to let the energy flow properly.

Throat Chakra Mantra

The Meditation Mantra (Sound) to unlock, open or activate the fifth energy center i.e. Throat Chakra is HAM (HUM). You may please refer to the Video:

Presentation of the Throat Chakra (Meaning)

The Throat Chakra is very important because it is our power of communication. The way we express our inner truth.

In the work on our 5th chakra, we also learn patience, to manage frustration, we understand that everything happens for a reason. We learn to be proactive and give our emotions a name.

We also develop our ability to make decisions that are consistent with our inner truth.

And we put into practice trust in the universe: each event occurs for a reason, even if we are not necessarily aware of it at the time.

This chakra is linked to our will, communication, knowing how to speak but also knowing how to listen. Not only with words but also at an intuitive level.

Communication in the energy of the 5th chakra can be symbolized by the communication that exists between the different organs of our body: each has its role, its function, each works in harmony. If one organ stops working, the other organs will eventually be affected.

The Throat Chakra is linked to metaphorical thought, our creative expression. The ability to see the different options that are present and to choose the decision that best suits us.

Sometimes the different options pop up in the form of an intuitive flash. We have the will to access all the universal knowledge and to connect to the most beautiful energies of the universe.

The 5th Chakra is located between the heart and the mind and also sometimes at the level of our ego. It’s a bit like our balance between the feminine and the masculine. We can express ourselves in Love with our emotions or through our analytical thinking. The main thing is to find a balance between its two polarities.

Throat Chakra Color, Stones, Meditation Mantra Sound — HAM HUM

Bodies concerned

  • Cervical vertebrae
  • Throat, trachea, thyroid, parathyroid mouth, teeth, nose also with the sixth chakra, gums, esophagus
  • Hypothalamus

Mental and emotional origin

  • Force of will, decision making
  • Expression and fulfillment of personal desires
  • Ability to realize dreams
  • Judgment and criticism
  • Knowledge and faith

Associated physical and physiological disorders

  • Scoliosis, laryngitis,
  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Chronic angina, hoarse voices
  • Mouth ulcer, gum problems
  • Temporomandibular joint
  • Lymph node enlargement

Throat Chakra Blockage Events

  • Our voice may be weak, it may be difficult to speak and even to make decisions. This chakra may have been blocked long before we were born, from our mother’s womb if she had this chakra blocked.
  • This chakra can work too much in people who tend to speak a lot, quickly and loudly. Regardless of others

Throat Chakra is working properly

  • Gradually, we manage to express our needs clearly and we understand the needs of others. Indeed, we become more and more psychic, we can read the emotions of others without needing to hear their word. These psychic capacities develop as we work on our chakras.
  • We no longer seek to win or lose. For example, in case of conflict, we send our vision by telepathy to the other.

How to Unlock / Open / Activate Throat Chakra?

As with other chakras, we can use different tools to facilitate the alignment of our fifth energy center.

To unlock the energies present in the Throat Chakra, it is possible to use different methods and tools such as stones, essential oils, bach flower, yoga posture. But in my opinion, it is essential to add to it a work of mantra meditation, specific energetic care and exercises of reflection.

It is important to know your dominant sensory channels to know how to re-balance your chakras in the simplest way.

The main sensory channels are:

  • Sight: visual persons will have facilities to visualize colors during meditations and energy treatments.
  • Touch: kinesthetic people can use certain stones, essential oils, Bach flowers.
  • Hearing: so-called auditory people can align their chakra by listening to guided meditations, chanting mantras, with the sound of the Tibetan bowl as well.

Throat Chakra Colors

The color associated with the Throat Chakra is Blue. You can choose clothes of these colors or color blue mandalas. In food: berries of the blueberry type. Mint tea is excellent for this fifth chakra.

Throat Chakra Color, Stones, Meditation Mantra Sound — HAM HUM

Throat Chakra Stones and Crystals

The Stones recommended to unlock, open or activate the Throat Chakra are Blue Stones.


The essential oils are Sage, Eucalyptus, Sandalwood, Bergamot and Tea Tree. Mix a few drops in a vegetable oil and massage your throat with it.


For Bach Flowers, it is advisable to use Agrimony, Centaury, Cerato and Crab Apple.

Work of Reflection and Throat Chakra Meditation

To unlock the energies present at the level of the Throat Chakra, it is essential to carry out a work of reflection, meditation and energetic care. In the complete program on the Chakras, when we work on the Throat Chakra, we carry out an energetic treatment to free us from our karmic wishes. We learn to choose the words that suit us and to express ourselves with Love. We are increasingly developing our ability to work with energies.

Throat Chakra Color, Stones, Meditation Mantra Sound — HAM HUM


The Throat Chakra is an important energy center because it is from this level of energy that we manage to express our inner truth.

There are different tools that can be used to unlock the energies. The most effective tools will depend on our sensitivity.

To do deep work on our energy centers, I think that reflection and meditation exercises are essential. They allow us to access our subconscious and to free ourselves from the blockages that are present there.

Now, we clearly know everything about Throat Chakra, it’s Color, Stones, Throat Chakra Meditation Mantra and it’s Sound — HAM (HUM). Now you can unlock, open or activate your Throat Chakra easily.

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Mark Stainer

Writer and Editor of Silence Mind. I'm a writer from over 7 years now, passionate to write articles on Yoga, Meditation, Chakras and the Law of Attraction