5 Tips to Speedup Software Development & Become a Leader

Imenso Software
Imenso Software India
5 min readFeb 16, 2021

Nowadays, businesses belonging to various sectors rely on computers and the web a lot, beyond doubt. They need to use myriads of software applications for operational needs. That is why these entities need to hire custom software development services. However, developing software is not exactly a cakewalk, and sometimes the agencies developing customized software applications cope with various issues like delay, bugs, testing, etc. The software developers face pressure from both aspects- project completion timing and adherence to quality. It is necessary to find a balance between timely project completion and quality control.

Factors that impact speed of software development

It is necessary to learn about the factors that have a direct impact on the speed of software development. These are:

  1. Complications in the development process- In any software development process, a number of complications may crop up. These can be related to the technical side and change in deadline. Lack of clarity from the client or improper interaction between both parties also makes things complicated. This delays the development process.
  2. Coding issues- Based on the type of software, coding can be quite lengthy and complex. When the coding process and re-evaluation take time, it delays the overall software development cycle.
  3. Lack of sync in skill levels- If a software development team comprises developers and programmers with varying skill and aptitude levels that can lead to delays. The newcomer or entry-level developers find it hard to work in sync with their seniors in the team who have years of experience.
  4. Improper/ irregular interaction with the client- The software development agencies that do not keep the clients in the loop while developing the application face hassles later. This leads to modification in coding, and final product creation takes up longer than expected.

Effective tips to expedite software development cycle

Listed here are a few handy tips which can be useful to speed up the software development cycle.

  • Having a carefully crafted plan in place- Lack of planning often leads to delays in software development. So, it is necessary for the agency undertaking a software project to develop a plan ahead and stick to it while deploying it. Each stage in the development cycle should be planned in advance, and each member of the team must be aware of his/her role and responsibilities. There has to be proper coordination between the members involved in the project. When everyone in the software development team knows what he/she has to do, the workflow is improved, and unnecessary delays do not take place.
  • Having clear communication with the client- It is important that the custom software development agency developing the software has regular communication with the client. In fact, it is prudent to keep the client involved from the beginning. Lack of regular and clear communication with the client leads to unnecessary conflicts and delays. The top software development firms offer the clients an initial consultation session usually. This helps both parties scope to clarify their queries, and the agency can figure out client requirements well. Keeping clients in the loop during the various stages of software development is prudent.
  • Testing early and periodically- Despite the best efforts put in by the developers in an offshore development company, errors in coding can take place. The developers, however careful and expert, are, after all, humans! So, it is necessary to keep on testing the application from the early stages of development. Early testing helps reveal coding flaws, and that can help evade unwanted delays too. Skipping on testing can prove to be costly later.
  • Keeping the team full of diversity- It would be a good idea to keep the team developing customized software applications full of diverse talents. There should be a healthy mix of senior and newbie developers in the team. Besides, the team should comprise of developers and programmers with expertise in different disciplines of software development. This can be helpful for developing different types of software. This also ensures someone in the team is capable of coming up with solutions to meet project requirements at all times.
  • Balancing manual and automated testing- For a custom development company relying solely on automated and manual testing is not advisable. There should be a balance between these two methods to evade delays. In the later stage of development, more features get added, and that calls for extensive testing of the application. So, the developers need to deploy both manual and automated testing based on project type and complexity. Saving time is the biggest benefit of automated testing, while quality adherence is hard to achieve without manual testing.

Additional tips to ensure software development is not delayed

  • The stress factor- The software developers are humans, and they have the capacity to work under deadlines. This holds true even for veteran developers with decade long experience. So, the agencies developing software need to set project deadlines and allot work schedules in a realistic way. Keeping the deadlines too tight and making the developers work for long stretches daily will have a backlash effect. They will suffer burnouts, and errors in coding and equality implementation will become frequent. This will lead to a delay in completion. So, keeping work hours manageable is a priority.
  • Keeping the teams manageable- In some instances, it may be necessary to recruit a number of developers and programmers to create customized applications. However, it is prudent not to involve too many developers in a single project unless it is absolutely necessary. Having too many members in a team may lead to complications and delays. On the contrary, it is better to keep the team compact and well organized. It is better to have one or two developers to serve as backups if any of the members in the core team falls ill or backs out owing to any reason.

Summing it up

Speeding up software development is not tedious when things are planned well, and execution is done as per the plans. Having a clear roadmap helps develop the application without hassles and evade delays in completion. Another important factor is maintaining consistent and clear communication with the client. Performing periodic testing and keeping work hours within reasonable limits also keep things going smoothly.



Imenso Software
Imenso Software India

Imenso Software is a client focused custom software development company.