Role Of Software Development In The Growth Of Education Industry

Imenso Software
Imenso Software India
5 min readApr 9, 2022

The traditional nature of the education sector has led to it being more cautious regarding the adoption of digital solutions via customized software development.

However, in the last 10 years, we’ve seen an openness to digital transformation working through every aspect of running an educational establishment.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 disease has forced the educational sector to adopt new technologies and have them in place in a brief time.

The market for eLearning was in a steady growth phase before COVID-19. However, it’s expected to grow to $375 billion in 2026. This indicates the necessity to integrate technologies into the learning process.

Because online learning is now the norm, technology has become a crucial support system to make education feasible in the present.

But what about the longer-term?

What role can Software Development play in the development of the Education Sector?

The Education Industry faces many challenges that make it difficult to progress and achieve higher performance marks. Some of the most pressing challenges are:

- Paper-based administration

- Distributed resources such as educational materials, teachers, or even student materials and homework submissions

- A lack of digital tools to assist students in staying engaged

- The absence of a robust communication platform for parents, teachers, and students.

As with all organizations, education institutions must have the right digital capabilities to attract their digitally connected students and gain an advantage in the competition to make sure they succeed.

This can only be accomplished by embracing digital transformation with software development by creating the tools needed to enable an educational institution to be wherever the teachers and students are. It doesn’t matter if it’s at home or on their phones, or in a classroom; it’s essential to create a system of education that can continue contributing to creating a smart, kind, and civilized society.

How can custom software development accelerate the growth of education?

Enhancing the quality of education will be somewhat like trying to control the size of a monster. Although it’s not impossible, it should be carried out systematically by tackling its problems in a single step with all education institutions, universities, schools, or training companies. It is time to improve how they provide guidance, teach and evaluate students.

So, what exactly does the educational system require?

1. A highly effective learning management system.

Many institutions still rely on the use of paper for administrative procedures. Due to the volume and complexity of data the education system processes, the paper process consumes a lot of money and human resource.

There is a massive difference in how students search for information on a school or a specific class and how they can apply to take part in the class. The first is online, and the other one requires multiple trips and multiple bindings.

Placing a piece of paper on the wall to announce a new schedule can be thrilling in movies, but it’s not an efficient way to save money and certainly won’t last long.

To improve inner processes education sector turns to custom software development to create cloud-based systems which facilitate operations and resource management. Custom software allows institutions to develop educational software solutions tailored to their particular needs since every organization is unique and requires a different method of operation.

A well-designed digital management system can solve all the challenges that an educational institution has to face:

- Schedules

- Assessment and Grading System

- Document management

- Enrolment

- Student data

- Collaboration

- Training

The digital tools will allow the education sector to gain a better view of the system’s efficiency. Institutions will be more adaptable and will be able to adjust more quickly to unpredictable conditions.

2. E-Learning educational platforms and virtual classrooms

2020 has taught us that learning via remote is feasible. However, the education system isn’t sufficiently equipped to allow it fully.

The trend towards online education has increased the demand for eLearning software solutions to make online education viable and sustainable, not just making classes available.

By creating a customized eLearning platform, educational institutions can provide their students and teachers with the most comprehensive and flexible, easy-to-use, and secure system that can break down communication barriers and unlock the potential for self-directed learning.

Through online learning, students better understand their studying process, access studies quickly, monitor their progress in learning and promote and suggest courses or tools that could help students and teachers. A customized web-based learning platform is economical, has high usability, and is adaptable. While these characteristics aren’t typically found in the educational sector, digital transformation rapidly brings many benefits.

3. Solutions for mobility

The rapid expansion of smartphone apps is not just affecting the business of eCommerce; it also affects how the education industry creates an experience for learning. It must be viewed using the lens of what is known as the Power Triad: mLearning, microlearning, and gaming.

Students want the learning process to be simple and enjoyable. They take in their information in bite-sized portions, referred to as microlearning. Duolingo is a great example. Learn a language by learning a few short, easy lessons every day. It’s not difficult, and you can work through the lessons during break time or while waiting in line. Although this may not suit a more complicated study plan, the same principles can be used.

Learning with an application allows learners to study at their own pace, according to their preferences, and when coupled with rewards, it can make it more attractive.

Mobile learning allows institutions to have more access to analytics, enabling them to gain insight into the patterns of learning students and habits, leading to more individualized study programs and well-curated content.

There is no doubt that this isn’t just an evolution to an online experience but also an informal educational system. Notifying students via push notifications about classes and sharing notes, assisting colleagues, and receiving advice for related courses or similar degrees are significant changes for a well-known field that is very protective of its operating methods.

The rapid development of technology like Machine Learning & AI can also threaten the educational sector and open up the possibility of innovative software solutions that can transform the way students can experience schools or receive tutoring.

Ready to work with an educational software development company?

Education’s future depends on software development. So, seeking advice from a software development company isn’t uncommon for the education sector. As technology advancements, as do education, so must the industry so that it can keep up with the rapidity and efficiency, and growth inherent in digital solutions.

For more info, get in touch with us regarding your queries about custom software development.



Imenso Software
Imenso Software India

Imenso Software is a client focused custom software development company.