Top Benefits of Implementing Azure DevOps Pipeline

Imenso Software
Imenso Software India
5 min readFeb 12, 2022

Ingestion of technology happens every frequently. The primary reason behind figuring out the latest method or approach to perform work is to reduce human effort. Humans are always geared towards efficiency that can boost efficiency and make it easier than ever. There are a variety of software, tools and apps that are used every day to help us manage our daily activities.

Even software application development and deployment require a toolchain that stores the source code of your application in a secure repository in the cloud and keeps track of your Task-list and reports, plan agilely, and provides an integrated testing platform that can assist in the process of deployment and that’s why the Azure DevOps — Software as a Service (SaaS) platform by Microsoft can be seen.

The introduction of Azure DevOps took place in the year 2018 and thus it’s not a brand new thing in the field of technology. Its beginnings are traceable using Visual Studio Team, which was launched in 2006.

What is Azure DevOps?

Azure DevOps is an all-inclusive solution with a variety of features that covers the complete SDLC or the life cycle. Let’s take a look at the major capabilities of Azure DevOps:

  • Azure Boards allows tracking of work items as well as Agile planning. Power BI visualization, and similar reporting tools.
  • Azure Pipelines defines CI/CD- Continuous Integration and Continuous deployment that supports containers and Kubernetes.
  • Azure Repos Offers complete support for cloud hosted private repository.
  • Azure Artifacts Support for managing packages for Maven NuGet, npm, along with Python package feeds that come from either public or private sources.
  • Azure Test Plan: Offers integrated plan-of-action and research to test solutions.

Azure DevOps is the feature-rich advanced model provided by Microsoft to help businesses handle many tasks.

What is the Azure Pipeline?

Azure Pipeline is an automated set of procedures that aids developers compile, build and deploy their code for other platforms of computation. This is an ongoing delivery system like the open-source Jenkins and CodeShip. The primary goal in this system is to ensure that it doesn’t require manual involvement. all changes are carried out within the project. If humans are in charge of the process, there’s the possibility of human error when performing the same monotonous tasks.

However, when it’s automated, it runs flawlessly once it’s set up.

A pipeline is typically broken down into these types:

  • Source Control
  • Build Tools
  • Creation of packages
  • Management of configuration
  • Monitoring

This Pipeline can be utilized in conjunction with various types of software including Java, Go, Python, JavaScript, Node.js, .Net, C++ and XCode. To make use of it you’ll require an appropriate source control that you can connect to it. Additionally, it is compatible with various source controls, including GitHub, Azure Repos, Bitbucket, Subversion, etc.

The pipeline is built upon the solid base of CI/CD pipelines that continuously test the code, build and deploy. They also deliver constant updates automatically through continuous testing and deploying the code to the targets that are desired in the project.

Continuous Integration (CI)

Continuous Integration assists in identifying the issues and bugs in the beginning of development When fixing mistakes is simple and faster. Developers are able to check their code within repository versions controlled by version control, and then make sure to check-in their code in order to test and identify mistakes. The primary advantages include:

  • Small changes are simpler to incorporate into larger codes.
  • It’s easier for teams of large size to check out what each is working on.
  • Find bugs and help them to be fixed.
  • Continuous compilation of code and testing.
  • The integration process should be smooth which increases efficiency.

Continuous Delivery (CD)

Continuous Delivery refers to the method of integrating code into infrastructure, making sure the tests have been conducted and policies are observed before finally placing the code into the desired environment.CD assists developers in delivering new features, correcting bugs , and making changes consistently and swiftly. CD pipeline is a way to deliver routinely according to the configuration, or it could also be called on-demand. The primary benefits of CD pipeline are:

  • Reduces the risk of releases.
  • Rapider distribution of fixes for bugs and other issues.
  • Delivery is possible at any size.

Azure Pipelines provides YAML syntax as well as a standard interface for setting up CI-CD pipelines.

The benefits of Azure DevOps Pipeline

Azure pipeline consists of a range of components and, when integrated by Azure DevOps CI/CD practices, Azure DevOps Pipeline can provide many benefits for the user. A few of them are listed below:

Version Control Systems

The very first step you must take to build an Azure CI/CD pipeline is to place your code into an automated revision control software. Any Git repository such as GitHub, Github Enterprise, Subversion, Bitbucket Cloud, and many others can help you organize your code source. Developers can also make use of it to aid in Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC).

Programming Languages and the various types of Application The Azure DevOps Pipeline, you can utilize it with all types of applications and a variety of programming languages, including Javascript, Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, C, C++ and more. It works with any operating system, such as Linux, Windows, and macOS.

Deployment Targets

You can use Azure CI/CD pipelines using applications on multiple targets such as any on-prem or cloud-based platform such as virtual machines, container registry, Azure services, containers, etc.

Pricing — If you’re involved in a public-facing project and you are using Azure DevOps, then Azure DevOps pipeline is at no cost. However, for private projects, you must join its services, but prior to running as long as 1800 minutes in pipeline work at no cost every month.

Progressive Deployment

In the development and testing phases of the project, it is possible to use the Azure DevOps pipeline to define the number of stages you’d like to ensure the quality of your project prior to having to proceed to the next step. This aids in finding the flaws and identifying the issues and where they occur and the best way to fix the issue.

The fully customizable deployment controls provided by Azure DevOps pipeline. Azure DevOps pipeline not only ensures that you are in the control place for the project, but can also allow the deliberate delivery of CI/CD services to your clients.


In the whole discussion of Azure DevOps Pipelines we were able to appreciate the wide range of services they provide to simplify business operations and enhance each step.

The greatest benefit is that you can automate your release processes across a wide range of different environments that are supported by Azure DevOps as well as Azure Pipelines and avoid the repetitive work of deployment.



Imenso Software
Imenso Software India

Imenso Software is a client focused custom software development company.