YouTube SEO Hacks To Take Your Channel From Local To Global

Imenso Software
Imenso Software India
6 min readApr 20, 2022

It is a fact that most people prefer to watch videos instead of reading a lengthy blog article (we realize that we could have made this blog a video as well, maybe someday). In actual fact, 59% of executives claim that they prefer to watch a video rather than read text. This is quite a number of people. That implies that video SEO has many advantages: more time spent watching videos and it creates more brand recognition plus increased leads and sales.

Search engines such as YouTube and Google utilize the same basic principles in their algorithms for web and video rankings. The primary goal is to provide users with the most enjoyable experience, and YouTube video results are now combined with Google results to make it easier for users to search.

This blog will explain precisely how you can increase visitors to your YouTube channels with a few simple SEO tricks.

6 YouTube SEO tricks to get higher rankings in the search results

You can mix your SEO and video strategies to increase the effectiveness of your advertising in a straightforward way. This will not only boost the time people watch your videos as well as draw your clients’ attention and assist you to further improve your marketing strategy by using things such as YouTube Remarketing.

These are the steps you can take to improve the SEO of your YouTube to get more viewers and traffic to your videos.

1. Select your keywords with care

SERPs are becoming more competitive each month. New competition and new products, as well as new services, everyone is fighting to be the first. Therefore seeking ways to diversify your offerings is essential. Conduct keyword research and, unless you are able to rank for competitive keywords, select the ones that could bring traffic but are not that competitive.

You can make use of the same tools for keyword research that you would use for PPC or SEO, such as

  • Google Keyword Planner.
  • Moz or Semrush.
  • Google search — suggest people’ asked questions about similar searches and so on!

2. Make sure to include keywords in title for your video

Understanding the purpose of searching for your target audience is the initial step. We’re aware that the most prevalent types of search intentions are commercial, informational as well as navigational and transactional. Thus, aligning your video’s content with the intention of your customers will be crucial to make your content appear in results for search engines.

Also, ensure that you are aware of the reasons you would like to make a YouTube video and who your most likely audience is. For example, if, for instance, you want to show an article about a product, include the name of the product in the title of the video as well as the description. It’s a simple idea however, there are several YouTube channels that do not follow this step, and their videos appear low in Google and YouTube results for searches.

3. Include the keywords in your video file name

It’s very simple, and YouTube could utilize this as one of its ranking factors in relation to displaying your video in results of searches. If the name of the file you upload contains the keyword you want to target in it and your video is indexed, it will have greater chances of being featured in search results and an increased likelihood of getting greater search traffic.

If you upload a brand new video, you’ll view the filename. YouTube makes use of this feature to make sure the video is pertinent and that’s why you should ensure the file’s name is correct prior to uploading it!

4. Optimize your YouTube video description

One of the most crucial ranking factors in YouTube SEO is ensuring that you have a well-written optimized description of your video. When you update or change any YouTube video component — which includes subtitles, video descriptions or closed captions as well as thumbnails for videos YouTube is going to re-evaluate your video. This could be good or not… therefore it’s essential to do correct the first time!

YouTube suggests you use the most important keywords within the beginning of your description. They also suggest that your description should not be more that 200 characters. Broadly speaking — make your description useful. If it isn’t helpful to users, remove it.

As you can see, the search term I entered into Google is boldly displayed in the description of videos which have come up. YouTube is telling me that the videos are relevant based on the descriptions of the videos.

YouTube has a number of great resources in the YouTube Creator Studio which is an online resource that is constantly updated with the most current information. The site has a helpful guide that walks you through the steps needed to create the perfect video description:

  • Include an outline of your video in natural language, not just a list of keywords.
  • Include those keywords that are most crucial at the start of the description.
  • Pick two main words that describe your video and use them in the description and the title.
  • Utilize keyword tools like Google Trends and the Google Ads Keyword Planner to determine prominent keywords as well as their counterparts. By including these keywords, it will help you increase the amount of traffic coming from searches.

5. Make use of hashtags for videos to increase YouTube results

On social media, hashtags (#) are utilized to assist users in finding information that can answer their questions across various platforms. Use hashtags that are related to yours (#) in your video description to assist viewers in finding your video when searching for a particular hashtag.

Keywords are specifically designed to drive the search engine because they make key trends more apparent. When you have added a hashtag in the description of your video it will appear over the title of the video and will become hyperlinked.

It’s important to note the place to include hashtags for video in this case. If you include hashtags in the title of the video but not in the description, the hashtags aren’t displayed with the title of the video.

6. Modify your thumbnail image

Thumbnails can either help or hinder you with your YouTube video. They’re the first thing to grab viewers’ attention when they view YouTube results. A well-designed thumbnail could lead to an increase in the time spent watching and can affect YouTube rank.

Design something that gets people’s interest and distinguishes itself from other videos to ensure you can ensure that your video is noticed. As an example the thumbnails above are taken from the video and are not likely to be the most pertinent to grab the attention of the viewer.

Making a custom thumbnail is the most effective way to show the effects of your efforts. Showing people what your film will be about as well as how it can help them is the main important factor to success.

A fantastic illustration of a custom thumbnail

Get a higher rank with these YouTube SEO tricks

If you’re looking to advertise your business on YouTube make use of the previously mentioned YouTube SEO techniques to improve the traffic to your videos and time to watch.

Finally, conduct your homework as you would with any other type of content. Make sure you create always-green videos that you can add to for a better portfolio of content. The more useful content you provide your users, the greater traffic you can bring for your YouTube channel!

And for real advice and strategies that work, contact our digital marketing company. We have built many brands using YouTube marketing.



Imenso Software
Imenso Software India

Imenso Software is a client focused custom software development company.