Get to know the latest Imerso features and updates

Explore what we have in store for you

Published in
4 min readSep 16, 2021


The Imerso team is tirelessly developing new features to make our platform even more user-friendly and bring value to our clients. Now, our users can, for example, identify not only the deviations between the building plans and the onsite reality but our platform also indicates the direction of the deviation. Keep on reading to find out more about this and other new features 🥳

Surface analysis shows the direction of the deviation!

Now our users can deploy the Imerso technology not only to check whether the construction reality matches the BIM plans but also to identify the direction of a deviation!

The blue color indicates depressed areas on the floor.

In other words, from now on it is possible to examine if any specific element onsite is below or over the parameters set in the building plan. The tool shows right away any elevated (red) or depressed areas (blue) on the floor — preventing undesired water accumulation and similar issues.

In the picture below, the blue colour shows that the ceiling onsite is higher than designed in the BIM model, whereas the edge of the wall is sticking out.

The ceiling and the edge of the wall do not match the BIM model.

New colour hue, saturation and brightness in the Deviation Detection tool!

Color coded:✔️ Green indicates the elements onsite are according to the BIM ❌ Red indicates the elements onsite are deviating from the BIM plans.

Our Deviation Detection feature still compares the BIM models and the construction site to identify differences between them.

But we made some changes in the colour hue, saturation and brightness to make our Imerso technology more inclusive. Now, also red-green colour blind people can understand what’s going on in the building project.

In total, the tool got a makeover, so the users have a stronger variation in the green and red contrast levels, ensuring the colour-coded design is accessible to everyone.

Brightness Controls!

We want to make it easy for you to navigate around the construction site using your scans! We understand that the light conditions on-site are not always ideal. Because of this, the scans can come out as either too dark or too bright. Don’t worry, you don’t have to go back to do the scans again using a flashlight! To help with this, we made it possible for the users to dynamically change the brightness in order to get the best view of the scanned area.

Scans too dark? No problem! Use Visibility Settings to make sure you see the scanned area better!

PDF Export!

We are advocates of digitization. We believe that it helps a great deal when time-consuming tasks can be automated and data sources centralized so that you don’t have a hundred different versions of your data and get lost in what is the latest one. On the other hand, we also understand that some situations will have different needs than others.

What if the construction site does not have good internet access?

What if you are a higher-level manager who just needs a quick summary of what’s going on?

What if your clients just want to have a quick status overview or you communicate with actors outside the industry?

Don't worry. We want the issue sharing and collaboration to be done digitally but we acknowledge that in some cases there is still a need for a file to be exported or printed.

We hear you and we’re listening! Now we have made it possible to export issues to a PDF file. (But please consider the environment and don’t print it if not absolutely necessary 🌿)

What is your experience scanning the construction site? Do you have any doubts about how to use the technology to track work progress?

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the Imerso platform and if there’s anything we can do to make our product even better — please do not hesitate to send us an email:

If you would like to get to know more about us and how we can help your business, you can book a meeting here!

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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We help construction companies cut project risks and delay costs with real-time monitoring of site status and work quality