iMeshup’s Newest Release: VR Viewing, Intuitive Commenting, Platform Fixes, and More!

Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2019
Highlander Warrior from Winions: Mana Champions by Fuero Games, as viewed in VR

The first month of the year is already over. What have we been up to, you ask? Improving iMeshup, of course! We released the latest version of iMeshup on February 1st. This January was a busy month — since the last update, we have another round of eight more new features. Check them out below:

A nice view

When you work in graphics, the last thing you need is eyesores. We wanted to expand your viewing possibilities on iMeshup, as well as to streamline your visuals overall. Now, you can do four new things in our viewer. First of all, we now offer a full-screen viewer.

This is for seeing your models in their full glory — taking up the full width of your monitor, without distractions. The other impressive option we now offer is “VR mode,” which is accessible via the click of a button. It’s optimized for viewing with virtual reality hardware.

We cleaned up our comments, too: users may now prioritize their notes by marking them as important comments.

This is ultra-useful when you want to distinguish client feedback from your team’s design chatter. Another new option to cut down on confusion is resolving comments. It’s a way to put inactive threads away so that they’re out of your way, but not lost forever. Because who knows — you might need to go back and see what your coworkers first impressions were!

Paying is a breeze

We’ve added a few finishing touches to our payment processing. Payment summaries are now available in the ‘Payment History’ section under the ‘Settings’ tab on your iMeshup account! There’s also a nice, smooth add-a-card process. You can now add cards during payment, as well as set a default one.

And if something goes wrong, we’ve got you covered. When errors occur, we have extended error text that can tell you concisely what the problem is, and how to fix it.

Platform improvements

Simplifying our platform is central to making iMeshup easy for you to use. Now, you can take advantage of our new “while you were away” notifications! This lets you quickly assess the progress your team members made while you weren’t on the iMeshup platform. Keeping track of changes has never been more straightforward. We’ve also noticed that you might not want to keep all the versions your model goes through while you’re making it — and so we’ve added the ability to remove file versions. This gives you more control over how you organize your models as you and your team work on them.

What’s next?

Got anything important you think we should add to iMeshup? Let us know! If you’re a game developer, a 3D artists, or just a startup enthusiast, reach out. Our future features depend on what the people want! Stay tuned as we continue to improve iMeshup. Visit our website today, where we’ve got a FREE 14-day trial waiting for you and plenty of “contact us” options. Happy collaborating!

