The Newest Features on iMeshup

Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2019
We released the latest version of iMeshup on January 8th.

We’re still hard at working making iMeshup’s new version the best it can be. Since we re-launched, we’ve had a major update that we’d like to announce: we’ve deployed eight (8!) new features.

Looking great

We have three new changes to our viewer that are worth noting. The first is a moveable gizmo that lets you precisely position and reposition your comment, either before or after you’ve finished writing it.

The moveable comment gizmo
The infinite skybox toggle

Second, we have added an option to switch off animation on animated models — so your creation won’t move around when you’re trying to comment on it! And then there’s the infinite skybox.Doesn’t that sound epic? Well, it is, because it allows you to use the skybox as a boundless space in which to display your scenes. That means you won’t run into any edges while you manipulate the object and its camera.

Integration galore

Great news for your software! We’ve finished setting up integration capability for Slack. Now we’re just waiting on Slack to give us the all-clear.Our Slack Integration tool allows users to integrate their Slack channels with iMeshup workspaces.

The Slack integration button

That way, they can receive notifications straightaway via Slack! We’re giving you the option to send rich messages that automatically display thumbnails and project size, too. We’ll send out an update once Slack has approved us, and we’ll keep you in the loop on what integrations we’re adding next (hint: it’s Blender)!

Platform improvements

We improved our platform this winter, too: from small things like being able to resend an invitation to unactivated emails, to big things like a working payment process!

Invitation status

Now, you can see the status of invited users and determine if you need to resend an email. In Plan Management, you can now find statistics about your current plan and its usage. In the Billing section, you’re able to enter billing data, select different subscription plans, choose the number of users, and finally — pay! All of your transactions with iMeshup will show up in our new Billing History section.

Billing options, hooray!

What’s next?

What we do revolves around you. Our users decide what new things are most important to add to iMeshup. That means game developers, 3D artists, and startup enthusiasts alike. The future of iMeshup — as always — is an open discussion! Stay tuned as we continue to deliver the features that you care about. And feel free to speak up! Visit iMeshup today, where we’ve got a FREE 14-day trial waiting for you and easy “contact us” options. See you around!

