cat IMG.txt

Help, Mr Meeseeks!

Rhea Parekh
IMG IIT Roorkee
4 min readJan 7, 2018


Somewhere between the first day with the nervous awkward introductions and the pleasantly sleepless caffeine infused coding nights, IMG started being my refuge. Never have I left the IMG lab without learning something new and exciting. This is where my life has witnessed it’s greatest learning curve.

Not only have I picked up coding skills here, but have also gained exquisite planning and time management skills (Well, because you just can’t finish your projects a day or rather, a night before your deadline, unlike the entire concept of college).


“Deadlines amuse me.” That’s the poster always staring right at you, inside the lab. We here, brainstorm together as a team to decide the projects we want to take up and use a very methodical approach to deliver that project efficiently with an intricate code review process.

Unlike an “institute managerial role” that the name suggests, we have the freedom of working on any new interesting idea with a thrilling potential or a piece of fascinating technology which we want to explore. With all the facilities available right at your feet, you’re ready to divulge into just about anything.

But indeed, we do play a huge role in maintaining and consistently improving the intranet web and mobile applications here at Roorkee. This group has been assigned with utmost responsibilities by the institute, which we deliver with planning and dedication. We have developed a lot of applications with the goal of making a student’s life simpler. Having an opportunity to work on the code that impacts a large number of people is quite enthralling.

With that being said, web development and designing is not the only thing our group involves itself in. A lot of our members are actively pursuing information security, machine learning and deep learning, competitive programming, research and a lot more! We even have internal lectures and talks (“Tech Fridays”), where we discuss programming languages like Haskell, deep-learning and even bitcoins! We spend time here participating in CTFs, Hackathons and contributing to Open-source. So, with guidance in almost all of the fields, you’ll always find motivation to pursue something unusual and you’ll always have people joining in to learn it with you.

Everyone here is always looking for an opportunity to learn.

git init

IMG looks for an aptitude for learning and inherent creativity more than a prior coding experience. With focus on logical reasoning skills and with only a little knowledge of HTML/CSS, you would be good to go. We are in search of the innovative and witty brains in the campus who have a constant urge to learn and grow.

The recruitments process is like an early hands-on experience for the placement season. The recruitment weekend would be one of the most adrenaline rushed time you would have on the campus. Based on a initial screening written test, you’ll be selected for the technical interview round, followed by an HR round.

The freshly recruited facchas are given the utmost priority here at Information Management Group. The thing that had always stayed with me from the HR round of the interview, was when my senior told me, “You’ll always find help here. All you have to do is ask.” You being the future of this prestigious group, the seniors will train you specially to enhance your coding skills. With constant lectures delivered by the people most experienced in that particular topic like PHP, Javascript, Git, MVC and softwares like Adobe Illustrator coupled with detailed projects and assignments, you’ll soon be learning everything you ever desired.

“Stack Overflow will no longer be the only place you turn to, for help.”

The lab is more of a home to our members than their hostel rooms, where we keep a handy toothbrush at the ready, in preparation of a long coding night. We work here, nap here (between the endless classes) and even spend our time laughing at memes! From developing our own religion for the members to having a spontaneous dance night at the lab, IMG indeed houses the most fun loving people I have ever met.

It’s safe to say, IMG has changed my life for the better.

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