Designing the Portfolio Website for Campus Official Technical Group

Radhika Gemawat
IMG IIT Roorkee
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2018

Portfolio for IIT Roorkee’s official technical group

View the portfolio live here.


IMG stands as the official technical group of college campus which as a group of 40 tech enthusiasts manage the main website and the intranet portal of Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. The portfolio represents the work, culture and projects completed by the group, and the far-reaching impact on the campus’ students and staff.

Final deliverable of the project

Why we needed a new website?

The first version of portfolio was a static website, which entailed all the features a portfolio website should have ranging from blogs, projects, team values and team members’ names. Due to the nature of the kind of work we do, we needed a platform which could be updated regularly with the updates, blogs and projects. Moreover:

  • The website did not speak about the design language of the group; since the website was created at the inception of the group, content and visuals got outdated with time;
  • There was no individual page dedicated for each member.
  • Time vs impact optimisation: the time being taken to update the old website was anticipated to be more than revamping the entire website.

Types of visits

  1. general users: the general users can view the projects, blogs and members’ profile of the team. They were simply non-members of the group.
  2. team members: team members have the rights to publish their own blogs, projects and update their own profile; they own the rights of general as well as privileged user

Flow was decided for the website in a manner wherein for team members, additional features were incorporated; minimising the alterations in user flow for the personas. The user flow drawn depicts all the points of interactions. Architecture of the app was finalised as follows:

Initial iterations and ideations

I tried multiple colour palettes, with various layouts and arrangement. However, multiple designs were rejected because they failed to align with the philosophy of the group, and couldn’t justify the requirements of designing the second version. These decisions were made through mutual consensus within the group through repetitive meetings with concerned members. The final design was executed after a series of alterations. This taught me that design never gets better, you do.

branding elements



Since a portfolio is outcome of it’s content, a proper documentation was carried out regarding the types of photographs to be used, and the hierarchy of content to be included:

You can view the website live here. Thanks for reading!

