grep memories IMG.txt

Bismita Guha
IMG IIT Roorkee
Published in
5 min readDec 1, 2019

Winding up two semesters at IMG, just made me more eager for the roller coaster ride left ahead of me.

The night-long Code Sprints, strict deadlines, and intimidating talks accelerate my energy more than a cup of caffeine would ever do. Amidst these, I never realised when IMG turned out to be my first home.

Let’s brief you on my journey in IMG till now.

git init

Like every other fresher, I was fascinated by all the cool stuff on campus and kept trying my hands at various things. Inquisitivity stepped in when I tried my hands on Graphic Design around mid-October, and while exploring more of it, Winter tasks for IMG design were released. So, I decided to go ahead and apply for it. All I needed was an aptitude for solving problems!!!

Final screens of my submission

I got selected for the interview rounds. And after this serotonin-high period of waiting for the call, I finally got recruited in IMG.

Hence started my awesome journey as an IMGian.

There’s no place like

Next, what followed was a series of lectures by the coolest seniors I have ever known (and infinite chapos too). With high enthusiasm, I would do the assignments which would be challenging, but fun. Slowly, I started gaining interest in web development as well. I started spending my whole days in our beloved IMG lab, always thrilled by new things. I became so engrossed in dev that I decided to venture in the Open Source territory. Seniors have always been very helpful whenever needed, just as the poster in the lab says, “Help will always be given at IMG to those who ask for it”. This was the phase when I discovered my new-found interest in web development, and being in IMG gave me the opportunity to try anything of my interest without restricting me only to design.

So being in IMG doesn’t mean you get to learn only design or development. Starting from mobile development, machine learning, quantum computing to DevOps, or maybe network security, IMGians are always exploring fun tech. Not only the above-mentioned fields, but we are always excited to venture into new domains in the field of technology. You just need the desire, flavoured with some curiosity, to do so. The lab is always buzzing with terms that keep your fingers googling and mind-boggling. Witnessing such a great pool of talent in a single room, with the latest technical resources at your disposal, gives you some real geeky vibes.

Work hard, but party harder

Okay, by now you must be feeling we are a group of nerdy heads spending days in front of a pixel screen, but in reality, we are the most fun-loving people on campus.

Coolest People. Gaming Nights. Awesome Trips. Infinite Chapos. Movie Nights.

…the list goes on.

During our first semester at IMG, we went on a trip to McLeod Ganj. From playing mafia, fun-filled night outs, trekking up hills to the overwhelming view and sumptuous food up the mountains, everything is etched in my memory forever. It was way easy for some of us to get lost in the mountain treks, both figuratively and literally😆. Long journeys were made interesting by the sandwich breaks, roast sessions, and some gossips too. The reminiscences of this trip have become too close to me.

A glimpse of the memes we make

The farewell is that time of the year when we heartily start making preparations for this not-so-awaited event. Weeks of preparations and planning results in loads of fun, night outs and a grand farewell for the seniors. This day becomes nostalgic for the seniors as they have to leave their sweet lab with even sweeter memories.

Deadlines amuse me

The second semester at IMG starts with the assigning of major projects. Since I was interested in development and design, I went ahead with both. It began with understanding the code and the workflow. We would have regular code-sprints, which would be much more than just writing code. My knowledge expanded a lot and being a part of IMG taught me the importance of collaborative work and deadlines. Seniors are always willing to help us no matter how silly the doubt is. Every day at IMG has taught me something new, keeping the thirst for knowledge in me alive. I am looking forward to more elevated learning and fun projects. What benefited me the most is that being in IMG doesn’t restrict me to a specific field. I am open to explore and learn any technology which amuses me. Seeing wonders happening around me in IMG constantly provokes me to enrich myself.

Too many expressions in a single frame

Above all the projects and fun, IMG has given me a family of wonderful people, making my stay at IIT Roorkee amusing and unforgettable. Apart from my love for web development, the people in the lab are also the reason for my transcending presence in the lab. I must say I have ‘A lifelong set of companions I can turn back to any time’.

For the Freshmen

Around December 7, we will be releasing the winter assignment for the developers-to-be which is also a way of entry to IMG apart from the written test (to be held mid-January). Winter vacations would be the best time to learn a new skill. As a core member of the group, I would suggest my immediate juniors, willing to try web development, to start going through HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.

All the best for your future endeavours! Hoping to meet you soon in the lab!!!

