How I integrated Google reCAPTCHA with my React+Django-based portfolio

Praduman Goyal
IMG IIT Roorkee
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2018

JavaScript and the browser console have already provided a lot of power to the client side of a webpage. Anyone with a little knowledge of JavaScript can flood your database with fake entries if it’s just an information collecting form, leaving you with nothing but a ton of validated data, nearly impossible to filter out. Generally, it is a lot of fun for the person running scripts and it provides him with a boundless source of happiness so ethics can be ruled out as a guard for your database. Even I try to run JavaScript scripts wherever possible 😜

I encountered the same problem when I tried to render a Contact Me form in my portfolio as shown in the following image.

My ContactMe form without Google reCAPTCHA :(

So, it’s really easy to run a script here with validated data and ruin my database. That’s where reCAPTCHA comes into the picture. reCAPTCHA is a free service with AI support from Google so it is pretty obvious that it can protect your website from these spam requests. So following are the steps you can follow to integrate one in your app too.

  1. Get Keys
    Visit My reCAPTCHA where, after signing in, you get an option to register a new site.
    i. Label: Label is just an identifier to identify your key for future reference because it gives you the option to have multiple keys for different websites.
    ii. reCAPTCHAv2: I go for reCAPTCHAv2 because I found a Google-reCAPTCHA v2 npm package to integrate with my React app
    After providing the domain you want to run your app on (you can also put localhost) and registering, the admin dashboard provides you with two keys.
Be sure to keep your Secret key secret :P

2. Frontend
For the frontend, I found react-google-recaptcha, the package most suitable for my use case.

i. Add this package to your project.

$ yarn add react-google-recaptcha

ii. Use the component in the JS file.


Snippet from the “form” component


Snippet from the “onChange” function of the reCAPTCHA

Here, key is the key provided by the captcha you need to verify on the backend.

Submit Function:

“onSubmit” function code snippet

You can check out more props to pass to react-google-recaptcha (or here).

My Contact Me form with Google ReCAPTCHA :)

3. Backend

Now, let us go to the server with the data we just posted. The backend doesn’t consist of anything other than making a post request to Google with the key obtained from frontend, Your secret site key, and optionally the user’s IP address. I have used the requests PyPI package for the purpose.

“” containing POST request handler in my backend
“” containing the method to get client’s IP address

The code snippet is a part of the view which is written in Django and Django REST Framework. You may have a different backend stack but the idea remains the same, i.e. to make a POST request to, with these parameters. We have ignored the other parameters in Google’s response, you can check them out here.

Hopefully, this article will help you filter out spam responses in your forms.

Happy Rendering!

