My git-icious journey at IMG

Sparsh Agrawal
IMG IIT Roorkee
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2020

It has been almost a year since I became a member of IMG as a developer. Looking back, I feel that a major part of my journey was quite analogous to the most used git commands. In this blog, I will take you through my awesome journey at IMG and how I draw parallels to the most frequently used git commands.

Grab a cup of tea/coffee because we have a long journey to cover.


Before beginning, let's have a basic idea about git. Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system. Its main purpose is to keep track of projects and files as they change over time with the changes happening from different users. Git stores information about the project’s progress on a repository.

Let’s begin

git init

This is the most crucial command. In terms of its usage in git, this command is used to create a repository, so that after which git can perform all its magic. In the same way, initiating is the most important step in your development journey. I didn’t have any previous coding experience before coming to IITR. And when I came to know about IMG, and the huge competition one has to go through to get into it, I was a bit scared initially. But then also, I decided to give it a try and made my mind that I will try my best to get in-it. So, always give a try to everything, despite caring much for its result. It all depends on your efforts, the more you make, the more you achieve.

git clone

In terms of its usage in git, this command is used to obtain a repository from an existing URL. In the same way, I contacted many seniors (existing URL :p) of IMG so that I could get some guidance on how to start, the best resources to learn to code, and many other such things. IMG follows the principle: Help will always be given at IMG, to those who ask for it”. So if you don’t ask for help then even IMG can’t help you. So always, feel free to reach any of us, and the people here will always love to help you.

git add

This command is used to add one or more files to the staging area. In my case, it was to add new skills of coding. Remember that, learning any new skill is a bit difficult in the starting, but as you spend more and more time on learning, you will slowly get comfortable in it. So never hesitate to learn anything new. That’s what I learnt while preparing for recruitment.

git commit

This command records or snapshots the file permanently in the version history. In my journey, this was the time when I had given all my efforts and appeared for the recruitment process. With all the efforts that I have made for getting into IMG, I was all set for making my name permanently in the IMGians list. And then this email from IMG after a nerve-wracking process finally made my day.

git merge

This command is used to merge a different branch into your active branch. In my case, it was to learn from the very-awesome people at IMG and merge their skills to my skill set. IMG is not limited to only web-development. Once you step into IMG, there’s no end to learning new skills. Here you will meet people who are excellent in any of the domains of coding you can think of be it competitive programming, mobile development, information security, dev-ops and plethora of other things.

It’s no doubt that you will find the inhabitants of IMG Lab to be fabulously dedicated hard-working people. Still, here we, work on the “Work hard party Harder” principle, so we do a hell lot of things other than coding like mafia sessions, movie-nights, musical workspace, ‘Tech Fridays’ — lectures on topics like cryptography, probability, stock-market analysis etc. to chill out.

Winding Up

To conclude, I believe that IMG has the most important role in making me the person I am today. From having no idea of programming to building awesome web and mobile apps, learning a plethora of new languages and other skills and getting the opportunity to work, learn and enjoy with the most awesome people here, it was a phenomenal journey for me.

So, what’s stopping you from hopping into IMG is just a git init, so grab your terminal, hit the command, show us your dedication and become a part of us.

See you at the recruitments! :)

