A list of artificial intelligence tools you can use today — for businesses (2/3) continued

Liam Hänel
8 min readSep 7, 2017

Whilst doing research to compile Part 3 (industry specific) AI products, I found myself updating Part 2 of list of artificial intelligence products for business use with more companies that I thought I would have. The list for ‘Update’ got a little too long and confusing, so I decided it would be easier to break the entire Part 2 list down something a little more digestible. Unlike, populating updates for Part 1’s AI tools for personal use, Part 2 got a little out of hand. So here’s the updates for Part 2 continued…

The other parts to this series:

Part 1 AI tools for Personal use
Part 2
AI tools for Business use — Enterprise Intelligence
Part 2 AI tools for Business use (cont’d) — Enterprise Functions
Part 3
AI tools for Industry specific businesses

Artificial Intelligence for businesses (enterprise functions):

🗣 Conversational Interfaces & Chatbots

API.ai — advanced tools needed to build conversational user interfaces
— build a Facebook chatbot without coding
Comm.ai — add voice and chat API to websites and apps
Conversica — conversational interfaces to help get more sales

