A Slight Course Correction (Week 10)

Nicholas Parr
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018
1 min readApr 11, 2018

I am coming to terms with the fact that I will not be able to accomplish everything that I had set out to at the beginning of this venture.

One of the biggest things was that I wanted to create an AI for the alien unfortunately, I ran into to many hiccups along the way and so I have decided to make my game into a 2 player “couch” competitive game where one player will control the crew and the other, the alien. Perhaps I will be able to finish ahead of schedule and start work on the AI but for now I want to make the most of what time I have left to finish this project.

This week I have had to work out how I want the alien to be controlled so that it is intuitive and fun for the person playing with the alien.



Nicholas Parr
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018

Senior student at the College of New Jersey studying interactive multimedia with a strong interest in programming. https://www.nicholasparr.com/