An update (because a lot is happening) : Week 11.5

Zoey Gater
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018
2 min readApr 22, 2018

This blog post is a mid-week update because I have a lot that’s happened and it’s so close to the end of the journey that I think writing things down will help me keep my head on straight in the home stretch.

There was an arrival of both assets and complications this week and so it is time to adapt. In assets: the projectors arrived! MTSS really came through and rented two 12,000 lumen projectors for me to use for my project which is fantastic! In complications: the spot that I was planning to project from has been obstructed which momentarily left me with two beautiful professional projectors and nowhere to put them. The plan was to use the conference room of the music building on campus as the place I’d project from but the music department has hung up a banner that blocks the conference room. Oh no!

Luckily, the director of the music department was nice enough to offer his office as an alternative. The downside is that it’s a smaller window and I don’t think I’ll be able to use both projectors at once. That being said, Monday night is going to be the first night I’m going to actually try my set up and I will see from there if it’s possible. If it is large enough to fit both projectors, then great! I have all the right cords to set up the matrox and I should be good to go to project on the entire building.

But, I have also prepared in case I can only use one. On wednesday, with the help of my professors I was able to estimate the reach of one projector after measuring the courtyard and a small scale projection inside the school (it was too light out to just try to see on the building). From our estimate, it looks like one projector will be able to reach most of the building, but not all of it. Because of that I have decided to make “short” versions of all my animations which will move all the important parts of the projections more toward the center of the building.

I’m still hoping I’ll be able to use the whole building but I’m also going to be prepared if I can’t.

Here’s to it almost being showtime!

