Blood, sweat, and more blood(Week I don’t even know any more)

As soon as spring break ended and both Dustin and I were back in Ewing, we hit the ground running ready to power through all of our work. Unfortunately, the closings on Wednesdays have proven fatal for us because it is one of the few workdays that we can work together for an extended period of time, but we were unable to for a decent amount of time. But throughout the week and weekend, we made a large amount of progress even though it visually does not amount to much. We have finally figured out the mechanisms for the shooter and the flippers after having to completely refigure them because of where the legs of the machine lay. We unfortunately have to hold back on continuing working on them until later in the week because the springs that we purchased were too heavy duty for the job. We also hit a snag when during the week when Dustin’s thumb was nearly ripped off of his body by the guard of the table saw hitting the blade, breaking the metal arm of the guard, and sent it flying at around 100mph into the ceiling, hitting Dustin in the process, slicing into his thumb. Luckily after a quick visit to the urgent care center, we were back and ready to work. It is nice to finally see everything come together and knowing that it will be done in no time at all.

