Completion of “The Fourth Amendment”

James Kavanagh
1 min readApr 18, 2018


I have finished up the first vignette entitled “The Fourth Amendment,” albeit without much in the ways of audio balancing. All in all, I am happy with the way it came out as far as first attempts go. I think it hit the tone I was going after for the most part. I’m going to see if I can put a little polish on it before the showcase, but my main focus is going to be finishing up a second vignette entitled “Reality.” It will still be a lot of work but I think I can have it finished in time, as there is much less dialogue to animate in this sequence. I don’t want to give too much away, but the first vignette can be viewed here: (note: If you choose to watch I would recommend wearing headphones and being ready to adjust the audio, as some parts can be quite loud and some quite silent)

The focus going forward will be to complete the second vignette. All assets are complete so it will mostly be rendering the scenes and putting them all together. It will be a crazy week and a half but I will have the 2 vignettes done by the time the showcase rolls around.

