Digital Jesus in 4K

Timothy Lee
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018
2 min readApr 10, 2018

Let me tell you something. Rendering in 4K is an interesting task. People have said, “patience is a virtue,” but it seems like they haven’t tried dealing with video editing software. This might be a task that is as tough as shooting the footage.

“Apple desktop computer with editing software on the screen with keyboard and printer” by Jakob Owens on Unsplash


Last week I was able to showcase a snippet of what I had produced for my colleagues, and I got some good feedback. Some suggestions gave me ideas as to how I can take advantage of the hardware that I used, and even though I have already finished filming, I can take these suggestions for the future. I started the editing the process with high hopes, and while those hopes are still high, they’ve hit the bitter wall of reality. I have to set aside some time in order to get all my rendering done so that I can put out a polished film.

Coming Up

The next week will be filled with editing. This is the home stretch for me, and I want to make something that everyone will be proud of. I want to enhance my peers’ work, so I want to make sure that I have nothing that will bring the overall quality of the showcase down. I believe that I have quality footage, but now I just have to do some quality editing.



Timothy Lee
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018

IMM Senior at TCNJ. Connecting tech and church. Aspiring designer.