Digital Jesus: Small Steps

Timothy Lee
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018
2 min readFeb 28, 2018

These days, small steps seem like giant leaps. Everytime I make some progress I get excited. Progress means opportunities to advance, which means I get closer to seeing my final vision come to life. I think this week was the most eager I’ve been to get to work.

“A man wearing a black backpack and baseball cap, staring at work related documents on the office wall” by on Unsplash


Last week was the most progress I made since the beginning of the year. I was able to talk to two professionals back to back and get some huge insight. The big draw for me was that the perspectives, although coming from people with different beliefs, held a lot of the same ideas and opinions. At the same time, one’s ideas might have contradicted the other’s completely. I learned a lot from the two and I am excited to use their ideas to help push my own into the film.

Next Up

This week I am going to look to interview one last person: my pastor. He is someone who has mentored me and has taught me a lot both about my faith and about life. To be able to probe his mind about something that would pertain to him greatly is an adrenaline rush for me, and I hope to make the most out of the opportunity.

I’m going to start editing my footage so that I can get a grasp on how to structure my film, knowing which sequences to use, how to build certain feelings, and get pivotal messages across.



Timothy Lee
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018

IMM Senior at TCNJ. Connecting tech and church. Aspiring designer.