Home Stretch

Now that the showcase is rapidly approaching (even though it was was, but we are just now feeling the effects) we have entered 200% efficiency mode. Dustin and I have been going nonstop working on our project and this weekend, made great leaps towards completing our product. Final touchups are being painted on, the electronics side of things is being hammered out, and the projection is coming along. There are some last minute aspects of the machine that we must either add or keep off, but hopefully we are able to accomplish everything that we were looking to accomplish.

This upcoming week will consist of finishing every major aspect of the project so that next week will be calm and mostly just fine tuning different aspects of the machine (hopefully). But as I’ve said a number of times in past posts, this project really showed off the importance of rapid prototyping. Any time we have an idea or try to figure out a new way to do something, we will do a quick brain dump on the chalk board, and begin finding scraps of wood to build out our idea with. It has been incredibly useful visualizing something in multiple ways so that we can fix any major problems that arise.

