I Have not started ANIMATING

Haley Ann Witko
2 min readMar 28, 2018


All of these snow days and scheduling conflicts have really thrown me off course. My original plan was to have the first two storyboards animated by now, and I haven’t even started.

It’s frustrating yes, but (and there is always a but) I have no doubt that I’ll be able to finish in time. To be honest, I made the storyboards with the possibility of falling behind in mind. The story is long enough that it’s compelling and interesting even with an amount of animation that is reasonable. The whole thing isn’t consistent animation, but also showcases the work I did on the set and armatures, which are just as -if not- more important than the actual story. This limit of animation not only makes my process less stressful but also allows for more after effects animation and time spent focusing on making the set all it turned out to be.

As I move forward, I started to realize that there are other things I should’ve considered earlier on. I didn’t even consider an animatic. Like, an animated storyboard, or the stepping stone between storyboard concepts to animation. Making it now seems not worth it, and might just take away from the work I have to do now for animation.

I also forgot that at one point in the animation we look at Radish’s feet. But right now, if we do that we will see the table that the whole set will be placed on and that is no bueno. I’ve been debating different options in my head, more print outs of a road, modge-podging dirt onto more cardboard to create a bumpier road, or just dirt. Probably not just dirt.

Anyway I’ll have that all figured out by Friday. I should be moving into the space then, so keep your fingers crossed for no more snow.

