Implementation and Bug Fixing

John Canace
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018
1 min readMar 11, 2018

This week I worked on implementing the Game Manager scrip.

Implementing this feature will allow my game to keep track of any in game event like when a user object gets selected or when to increase the score counter by a certain number. Unfortunately, I have ran into a bug involving a line of code that I am having trouble resolving.

The source of the bug stems from an error on line 38 in my “selectNewColor” script file.

Game Manager script file that contains the bug on line 38. “GameManager.instance.Player.userSelected = true;”

Unity provides this error message when I compile my project “error CS1061: Type `GameManager’ does not contain a definition for `Player’ and no extension method `Player’ of type `GameManager’ could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?”. Resolving this error will require the me to think about alternatives to the piece of code that causing all of the trouble which is “Player” and implement that alternative without causing future issues.

