Haley Ann Witko
2 min readMar 20, 2018


Spring Break rolled around and it was a good week of relaxation, birthday celebration and sleep. Mostly sleep.

I was able to take a break from making small things and props/buildings for the animation which was nice. But I didn’t allow myself to do nothing. I finished my website which is pretty cool, it looks simple and clean with -some- missing details because of unfinished work. The last thing i will add tonight is a resume section probably on the same page as my about section. I feel old, but in a good way I suppose. www.haleywitko.com

This past week was actually a pretty exciting week because I got into contact with a man who works at disney. Long story short, I was at a neighborhood party and this woman i was chatting with told me that the family who used to live in my home was this guy. She contacted him and now were chatting- I got a pretty great response from him too!

But anyway- besides this week being kinda chill i need to start moving forward with the animation. I’m honestly stalling, i really don’t want to leave it alone in the space. I’ve had stuff I’ve worked on in the past ruined beause of neglegence and people just being straight up mean and I don’t want that to happen again. But this is a risk I’m going to have to take, and I will make sure that the risk has many precautions. I can’t copy and paste those buildings…

But I am excited. I have a game plan made up for animating and ready to start. So, here goes nothing I suppose. (Or everything)

