Progression Pictures: Week 8

Sarah Knipp
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018
2 min readApr 4, 2018
And yes, the sword does fit in its sheath.

There are approximately three weeks left until the Interactive Multimedia Showcase, and it feels odd to be roughly where I need to be in my schedule. Like I mentioned in my last update, I’ve basically completed the art portion of my project, with the exception of one additional 3D print to round out that display, as recommended by my classmates and professors. As of now, I have two prints — Henri and a split sword of my own design (though I guess at this size it’s more of a dagger?). Technically, if you count the sheath, I have three prints, but I’d be more than happy to make another now that I know the basic rules of 3D printing. Depending on how much time it will take, I would love to do a character bust, but human faces might prove tricky to form in Maya.

Thank goodness for Apple support.

Perhaps most importantly, I may have found a solution to the timeline problems I’ve been having since the very beginning. As I presented my progress to my classmates, the subject of using Apple’s built-in album features came up. By collecting individual images into a Memory, iPads and iPhones essentially create their own timelines.

This is such a simple discovery, and I’m embarrassed it’s taken so long to realize it, but in my defense, I own exclusively Android and Microsoft products and rarely have the opportunity to explore Apple functions. Either way, TCNJ has an equipment cage students can borrow from, and by next week I should be able to tell whether or not this is the solution I’ve been looking for.

To close out, I finally received my business cards in the mail! There are two versions — purple and green — and I’ll have plenty to hand out come April 27th.

