Revamping Everything & Setting a Style ((week9))

Zoey Gater
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018
2 min readApr 4, 2018

Last week I mentioned that I was stylistically struggling. I didn’t have a clear direction that I was creating everything to fit within. Luckily, I was able to finally get some feedback and I was able to recenter myself. I knew I wanted to have a retro overall feel, and after looking over some references, I decided to through it all in for an 80s neon and chrome style.

After picking my new style I was able to get to work. I started by creating a logo for the show that I could use throughout all my graphics.I created a static version and a motion version with the help of these youtube tutorials (x x). See the motion version below:

After I created this new logo, it was time to go back and edit what I had already created. I revamped the “games” video, the “digifab” video, and was able to finish my “audio” video.

Below is the revamped “games” portion of my project. In addition to incorporating the new logo I realized that in the old version I had made a bit of a massive mistake — I had positioned the cannons right over the doorways to the building which would render the effect hard to see. To fix this, I set the cannons farther apart so that they shoot in from the sides of the building.

I also made a pretty big change in my digifab video. I decided that the effect of tracing each window was a little too subtle, so I decided to scrap that idea and focus on using the laser cut logo which is much more bold. I also was able to incorporate the new logo and style with the grid on the center of the building (I also learned the grid from the above youtube tutorial — thanks Flat Pack FX!).

And here is my audio demo! I decided to carry over the grid and use a custom particle effect (which I learned from this youtube tutorial). I decided to use motion to try to convey volume so I had the speakers shake once the stereo begins “playing”.

So, I have two more videos to create — one for video and one for animation. The animation one is going to be pretty tricky to work out but hopefully I can get it together in time. As for the video, I want to showcase actual video clips from the video projects, so I have to meet with those students to talk to them about sending me a small sample of footage from each project.

