Scene Management and Building with placeholders

Michael Chen
1 min readFeb 11, 2018


With some of the art assets somewhat ready to go it is time to start with the actual coding of the game. The ARKit Tutorial that I bought from Udemy will help me a good amount of the way. For now placeholders will be put in place of all art assets till the game is functional. This will make things run more smoothly and will create less problems when working. Last semester was planning and putting together the main art asset that would be in use.

Organizing my scene is key to having a clean working project. I looked at the AR demo that I made last semester and saw just how messy the folders were. First thing I worked on was folder and file management within the Unity scene. This meant Scene, Animation, prefab, and plug-in folders. After I started the tutorial again to review what I would need to work on first to setup the Unity Scene for ARKit.

