Senior Project Kickoff

Philip Treu
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018
2 min readDec 1, 2017

The time has come for me to announce my senior project proposal! So for lack of a better phrase, here is my “elevator pitch”:

My project is an audiovisual experience in which users will be able to gain an intimate knowledge of the IMM seniors at TCNJ. Through videos created by myself along with recorded interviews of the students, users will be able to understand the motivations, the ambitions, and the inspirations behind the projects that will be displayed at the IMM Showcase at the end of the Spring 2018 semester. Users will scan a QR code outside of each project and will view the videos on their phone. Once the user scans the QR code, it will be put into a database that will track how many projects the user has visited. If the user makes it to all the projects (which is the goal of the IMM Showcase), then they will be able to claim a small reward.

The purpose of this project is to display my video and audio editing skills, as well as to get visitors to approach each project, since in past years, some projects have not been seen as much as others due to location in the building. I was inspired to do this project by my own interests and by Janet Cardiff, a Canadian artist that uses sound and sound installations to put viewers into a mood or atmosphere that she wants to convey. My project is much like a museum gallery audio tour, however mine incorporates more multimedia than both museums and Cardiff. In the end, my project is about the IMM students and I hope that the content of my videos, along with the accessibility of them, will be able to convey that idea.

And that is the general pitch! Seeing as the showcase is in May and is several months away, my methods might change by then and you can keep up with me by subscribing to the IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018 publication. On this thread, I will be posting weekly updates on my project, including my plans and accomplishments. In all honesty, I’m not sure of the consistency, as it might just be a couple of sentences one week or several paragraphs the next. Either way, I encourage you to keep up with me on my journey to (hopefully) creating a successful senior project!



Philip Treu
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018

I am a senior Interactive Multimedia major at The College of New Jersey. I’m interested in video and audio editing, as well as graphic design and animation.