Still going forward

IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018
2 min readApr 10, 2018

So not a whole lot to say this week, but I will say that I feel a lot better about my project now. We have a bit over a month until the Spring Showcase and right now I am going into crunch mode for completing the game. My goal right now is to have it be playable by the end of the month and then have all the extra assets finished long before the Spring Showcase.

Yesterday I met up with my Gaming instructor and received a whole lot of good advice as well as being challenged to think about how I want the players to perceive the game. As Spring Break ended I knew I wanted to get people to playtest my game so I could get proper feedback and know where to go next. A friend of mine insisted on trying to break my game so that we could both discover weird glitches that could be patched up and he did and fortunately they are easy fixes.

The teleportation pad was not working too well and the weapons stack on top of each other when several of them are clicked on. Also the weapons can only animate once and they all do it at once when a button is pressed. So programming is going to be a bit of a nuisance for the remainder of the time.

Professor Fishburn also suggested that I decide on whether I want the weapons to look more lifelike or cartoonish. I decided to go with a more cartoony look as it would have been more consistent with other weapons that don’t have much realism to them (such as the Power Star and FireFlower). Also, he challenged me on thinking how I want the player to experience the game and it hit me that I want the player to be able to do more than just walk around the museum. So i’ll be implementing two extra levels for the players to utilize the weapons in an environment where they can take out targets.

Anyway, by next week I’ll have more progress on the issues with programming done by next week!



IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018

Interactive Multimedia Student at the College of New Jersey