The Only Good Bug is a Dead Bug (week 7)

Nicholas Parr
1 min readMar 21, 2018


So over spring break I was able to get some work done, however, that bug I had mentioned last time has been hindering my progress. I was able program in the alien and crews attacks. Now if your crew member is within two tiles of the alien they can blast it with their flamethrower (attempting to attack the alien without the flamer will result in your crewman calling you insane). So while you can fight the alien it does have a whopping ten health (combined with your low chance to hit means this will be a tough beast to bring down) meanwhile, if it comes into contact with a crew member it will attack them with a high probability of injuring them. As for that bug I believe I have managed to weed it out, however, without being able to reliably reproduce it I will have to conduct more testing to be certain.



Nicholas Parr

Senior student at the College of New Jersey studying interactive multimedia with a strong interest in programming.