Third week of thesis

Tyler Philburn
1 min readFeb 14, 2018


This week I finally got swipe access to the room that has the VR set that I need. Unfortunately, when I brought my project that was created on a Mac, onto that Windows machine, it did not work. I spent some time trying to figure out exactly what was going wrong but I couldn't exactly pinpoint the problem. Instead of focusing on that, I decided to clean up some of the bad code I had made last semester. While trying to write a new script for an effect, I realized some of the code I had written was really inefficient for me working on it. I made it easier to work on by creating a separate script that handles all objects in the game over networking. This way I can easily add or remove networked objects without much lag or issues. I hope that this week I will be able to finally get my project running on the Vive with help from someone who has experience moving unity projects over operating systems.

