Three Weeks Left: We’re almost there

3 min readApr 11, 2018


So as the title suggests we’re are closing in on the night of the Spring Senior Showcase. I should probably be more nervous about this, but I’m genuinely excited because I feel really good about my thesis project. I knew that at the beginning of the last semester that I would want to do something that I would personally enjoy a lot. Of course this seems obvious because it wouldn’t make sense for a student to choose a task that they do not enjoy for something so important. Not only did I know I would enjoy doing this, but I also knew it would be manageable for my current skill level. It helps a lot that I’m currently taking a 3D modeling and Game Design class this semester and last semester which is essentially the entirety of my project.

So with that out of the way I will get into the original weapons that I said I planned on implementing on the second floor of my museum. These weapons are not taken from other franchises and are instead theorized and designed entirely by me. I will start by saying that I am fully aware that these weapons are far from perfect and are basically in their rough draft phase.

Venomous Blade. Dark Purple and Black color scheme for the malicious and toxic vibe it’s meant to give off

So I do not have a name for this sword and I will just call it “Scorpion Blade” for now. When the player grabs the weapon the blade will have purple glowing streaks running through it to signify its emanating power. Half the fun of creating the weapons is defining the lore behind it and giving it personality.

Unfortunately I did not have too much time this week to work on the other two original weapons so I only have the Scorpion Blade to show off. I was hard at work trying to polish other assets of the museum so my time has certainly not gone to waste and I’m making sure to stay on top of the project. One of the tasks I got done this week was being able to 3D print one of my weapons so I can have them as props for the show.

3D Printed MasterSword

It came out a lot smaller than I expected it too, but that can also be part of the fun. There’s also a lot of excess materials behind the print that I will try to tear off so it looks more smooth. The 3D print took a surprisingly small amount of time so I’ll be doing two more before the showcase night.

As I said before I did also manage to add a lot of assets to the game between the week. There is music in the game right now and as you approach certain weapons original soundtracks from the weapon’s respective games will start to play. The music will also fade out as you walk away from the weapons. This idea was submitted to me by Hayley Witko and I absolutely loved the idea and I’m so happy that it worked out so well. The museum itself has extra props as well such as paintings, statues, masks, and chairs to help fill out the interior. The teleporter is also replaced by a Warp pipe.

So to say the least the project is still going really strong. Next week, I’ll have the rest of the weapons done and be able to show off more 3D Prints.




Interactive Multimedia Student at the College of New Jersey