Two weeks away. Absolute crunch time

3 min readApr 4, 2018


So as the title would suggest it is time to buckle down and try to finish my project as much possible and as soon as possible. The Spring Showcase will be taking place on the 20th of April and now it is really starting to feel like the apocalypse is upon all of us. Fortunately, for me at least, I have reached a point with my project where I feel as if I could submit it now and it would still be a solid thesis that showcased all that I have learned during my time as an Interactive MultiMedia student. As I’m writing this write it is still sort of surreal to me that I will be presenting this project in a bit over two weeks.

However I would rather not end it on that note and would rather appreciate ending this term off on the highest note possible which is why I want to fine tune my project as much as I can. In order to do that I will need to set aside extra time to really sit down and polish the textures on the models and the museum itself. As I said in an earlier edition, the models for everything is done and they just needed to be textured so that the game looks good. Not only that but the script needs to be fixed up so that the game feels good as well.

With all of that out of the way I will be going over what I managed to get done this week. With a bit more help from professor Fishburn I managed to overcome one of my biggest hurdles in the coding. The player would be able to click on the objects and have them be attached to the player as if they were able to hold it in their right hand. The problem was that the player was not able to let go of the weapon after picking it up. With my professor’s help I was able to work around this issue and get the players to finally let go of the weapon and pick it up again if they would choose to.

Here you can see the player being able to pick up the weapon, use it, then release it when they are done

While that was successful it is not the only thing that was finished this week. So last week I mentioned that I would be adding original weapons to my museum to show off some personal modeling skills that I have developed. Before the project started I can honestly say that I was not too excited about exotic video game weapons, but after working on this I’ve become addicted and am really looking forward to putting my own designs in the game.

Left to Right, Poison Blade, CryoAxe, Lightning Stave

What I like more than fictional weapons are fictional weapons with quirks to them. All of my weapons have unique attributes to them that would allow the wielder to have some sort of advantage in the battle. Poison Blade is supposed to be a sword infused with alien toxins from a distant planet that can severely poison any target from even the lightest scratch. CryoAxe is an mighty axe with incredible ice magic that can release destructive blizzard storms with just a swing. Lightning Stave is a staff that can absorb and control electricity to great extent.

Designing the weapons was fun but conceptualizing them was really a blast and I would love to make a career out of this if I could. These weapons will of course be featured in the second floor of my museum and be animated and textured just like the others.

Well anyway thank you once again for following my progress with my Senior Thesis. Time is running out, but I still feel really good about my progress and my assignment so I’m still very confident that I will have everything done by the showcase. Next week I’ll be showing off my modeled original weapons within the game so you can look out for that.




Interactive Multimedia Student at the College of New Jersey