Week 3: Fonts

Tyler Philburn
1 min readFeb 21, 2018


After spending hours and hours trying to figure out why my unity file wouldn't open on the windows machine I finally figured out one of the main problems: the fonts. On of the files I was using for testing had a filename with a font that looked like this. While my mac could handle that, when it was moved over to windows, the operating system couldn't recognize it. I only found out when I attempted to zip the folder for a professor to look at, only to have an error telling me that the file couldn't zipped. With that weird problem out of the way, I was able to mostly get things working on the windows machine. I'm hoping soon Ill be allowed to actually move the Vive and its sensors into another room so I can start working hard on the part of my thesis that's actually going to be shown at the show.

