Week 8: More UV Mapping!

Jonah Dicorcia
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2018
1 min readApr 18, 2018

UV Mapping is the tedious and oddly relaxing process of flatting a 3d model for texturing. I have spent a lot of time over the past couple of months coming back to it whenever I edit or make a new 3d model.

I came back to UV mapping this time because I Found some errors with them when I ported them over to unity. I spent the majority of my time on fixing the UVs but i also had to spend time reattaching materials to the models I had already ported over to unity, though for future models this will no longer be necessary since I spent some time fiddling with the exporting options in maya and found the “encode media” option which when enabled will also bring over any UV and texture, this time correctly.

