We’re almost there

2 min readMar 16, 2018


Hello out there to anyone that happens to be following my progression here towards my Senior Spring Showcase. First, I will apologize for the late publishing. I am currently on Spring Break so I have been slacking a bit with the story but certainly have not been slacking with the development of the museum. I will gladly say that I managed to get a lot done this week, but still have plenty that I want to have finished before the month ends.

So for starters I know that I promised to showcase the RWBY weapons that I said I would upload for about two weeks now and I am finally ready to deliver! As a disclaimer, these weapons are in their rough draft phase which means the models themselves are not perfect and most of them have not been textured yet. I am not the greatest 3D modeler in the world (yet) so I’m taking every chance I can get to improve wherever I can.

The rapier like one is Mytrenaster, the knife with the case is Gambol Shroud, the giant scythe Crescent Rose, and the yellow bracelets are Ember Celica

So as I said these are my first attempt at these weapons and I did each of them across the span of two days. My friend introduced me to the RWBY series several years ago and I have been a huge fan of it ever since. The design of the weapons and the way they transform and function during combat is incredibly innovative. I had a lot of fun making these so I’m really hoping people who end up playing my game at the showcase will recognize them and enjoy them.

Now, of course this is not close to all that I have done over the past week because I managed to implement a lot of programming mechanics to the game that pushes it a lot closer to the final stages. One of which is a teleportation pads that will transfer the player to another scene where they will be able to be able to use the weapons in a field where there are targets to practice against. The museum itself also has a second floor now which will feature original weapon designs from me and hopefully some other 3D models that I can borrow from other IMM students. I honestly can’t express how excited I am for this project to be done and I feel like I can really get this done with plenty of time to spare. What’s important about that is that I want to get in more than enough playtesting and advice from professionals so that the game is as perfect as it can be by the showcase.

Anyways for next time I promise I will show off the final design of the museum and go into detail on anything else that happens by next week.

Thank you for your time :]




Interactive Multimedia Student at the College of New Jersey