Weekly Reflection: Putting Ideas into Motion

Daniel Martinez
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2019
2 min readFeb 13, 2019

After last week’s progress I was able to finalize all the information I needed for my thesis project. With that now out of the way, my efforts were directed towards finding technological mediums that would help create my project the way it is envisioned. One thing that I found is the world of info graphics is quite vast, and you can do as little or as much as you want to create cool images that represent information. Finding the website Visme (https://www.visme.co), I was able to play around with premade templates, get familiar with the program and eventually starting up an info graphic on a blank canvas. Now familiar with the tool, I feel that I’ll be able to piece together a good info graphic for next weeks review.

While looking over infographics, I was able to get into an old work contact of my mothers who did infographics for a living in the world of advertising. While she wasn’t able to share samples directly, she gave me some advice on how to create infographics that showcase information better while redirecting me to some great examples used today.

While this graphic is not related to the contents of my topic, it demonstrates an effective medium for teaching which is one of the reasons I’ve started this project: to teach people about the ancient world through modern technological mediums.

