Animating in Unity + Grenades

Chad Mathern
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020
1 min readApr 8, 2020

I became very familiar with animating and particle effects as now all the weapons have fully functioning animations and particles. They all have their own “drawing” animation that plays when you switch to a weapon as well as recoil animations. Additionally I have added a grenade and it explodes and applies forces to its surroundings just like a real explosion would. Everything looks good and everything works the way it should. The unique animations for them help give the players weapons their own degree of character. With all the weapons working correctly and uniquely I can confidently say they are finished (I just need to find some sound effects).Currently the only things left to do is establish ammo and health systems (which i already know how i am going to do), item pickups, program enemy behaviors, user interfaces/displays, and actual level design. The bulk of the programming I understand is behind me. I am going to venture into uncharted waters with enemy AI and pathing but I am confident I can figure it out.

