How can provide value to digital marketers?

William Franklin
IMM at TCNJ Senior Showcase 2020
2 min readFeb 5, 2020

As AdPrice’s development continues into 2020, it has been important to take a step back and realize why I started it. I tend to find that I need to continuously remind myself why I am working on a long term project, in order to keep my decision-making as user-centered as it needs to be. Lose sight of the end user, and it becomes easy to cut corners, potentially ruining the entire project. is a website that displays the advertising costs of different social platforms.

After taking some time to remember why AdPrice exists, I felt a renewed sense of urgency. This is because the product that AdPrice provides to the growing digital marketing space does not currently exist. There are plenty of blogs and agencies with websites that breakdown certain aspects of digital marketing, but no true “internet hub” for the multi-billion dollar industry.

At its core, AdPrice is the fastest way to digest whatever information that digital marketers need to access regularly. This is mainly the prices of running campaigns on different platforms, but I can’t turn my back to making AdPrice better — by including more.

I already know that AdPrice will include an educational section with relevant information on the tips and tricks of advertising online. I realized that this needs to include as much varied kinds of media as possible. Even custom, interactive web elements should be inserted into many pages.

There are many great videos about digital marketing trends on YouTube, so it would be cool to make a page on AdPrice that has links to the most informative of such videos.

There is no question that there is much to be done in the next three months, even the next two weeks, and I’m looking forward to really transforming the site, out from the initial prototype and into a site that provides real value to digital marketers on a daily basis.

